DELL™|EMC® CX4-120Bringing a new level of performance, flexibility, and resource utilisation toenterprise-class storageEntErprisE-CLass storagEDell/EMC CX series storage arrays have built a reputation for performance, ease of use, scalability,flexibility, reliability, and investment protection since their initial launch in 2002. Now in their fourthgeneration, the new CX4 arrays build on that reputation and are designed to greatly increaseperformance and capacity from the previous generation. The CX4 series provides impressiveflexibility and investment protection with the introduction of new UltraFlexTM technology.CX4-120The Dell/EMC CX4-120 is the entry point to the CX family arrays and offers enterprise storagefeatures at an affordable cost. It is an ideal product for customers who require increased capacityand modularity in a small but scalable footprint with enterprise-level data protection and highavailability.ULtraFLEX tEChnoLogyThe CX4 series introduces UltraFlex technology that enables the user to customise the networkinterconnect and number of ports needed to meet current and future storage requirementsThe CX4-120 comes standard with both true end-to-end 4Gbit Fibre Channel and 1Gbit iSCSIconnectivity and can be expanded with additional FC or iSCSI ports, as well as new networktechnologies, such as 8Gbit Fibre Channel and 10Gbit iSCSI, as they become available.MassivE sCaLabiLity anD FLEXibiLityThe CX4-120 supports up to 120 hard drives, connects to as many as 128 highly available hostsin a SAN, and has six UltraFlex I/O slots (three per controller) for connectivity customisation,helping to provide investment protection for your enterprise storage needs. The CX4-120 consistsof a 2U storage processing enclosure (SPE), a 1U standby power supply (SPS), and 3U disk arrayenclosures (DAEs), which contain up to 15 hard drives.