CChheecckk ffoorr ddooccuummeennttaattiioonn aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn uuppddaatteess oonn ssuuppppoorrtt..ddeellll..ccoomm//mmaannuuaallss..AAllwwaayyss rreeaadd tthhee uuppddaatteess ffiirrsstt bbeeccaauussee tthheeyy oofftteenn ssuuppeerrsseeddee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iinn ootthheerr ddooccuummeennttss..Setting Up Your Dell™ PowerVault™ Storage Enclosure1 Before You BeginLocating Your System Service TagVerify Package Contents2 Selecting the Operating Mode 3 Identifying Ports and Connectors on Your EnclosureWARNING: BBeeffoorree yyoouu sseett uupp aanndd ooppeerraatteeyyoouurr DDeellll PPoowweerrVVaauulltt ssyysstteemm,, rreevviieeww tthhee ssaaffeettyyiinnssttrruuccttiioonnss tthhaatt ccaammee wwiitthh yyoouurr ssyysstteemm..Install the Enclosure in a Rack• Storage enclosure• SAS cables (2)• Power cables (2)• Bezel (optional)• Mounting rails (2) (optional)• RAID controller card (optional)• User documentationCabling Your Enclosure for Unified or Split Mode ConfigurationYou can cable your enclosure in either a unified-mode configuration or in a split-mode configuration.• In a unified-mode configuration, your enclosure is connected to one host; for example, a server with a controller card. Your enclosure can be one of up to fourenclosures daisy-chained to a single port on the controller card in your host server. The enclosure can also be connected in a redundant path mode withtwo connections to a single host server.• In a split-mode configuration, your enclosure is connected to two separate controller cards. The controller cards may reside in the same server or in twodifferent servers. The enclosure bus is logically split in half where the first half of the enclosure is managed by one controller and the second half of theenclosure is managed by the second controller .The table below lists the drives that are controlled by each enclosure management module (EMM) in a split-mode configuration.NOTE: Split-mode configurations do not support daisy-chaining of enclosures and redundant paths.The operating mode is selected using the enclosure mode switch on the front panel of the enclosure.NOTE: The enclosure mode switch must be set to either unified mode or split mode before the enclosure is turned on. Changing the configuration mode after turningon the enclosure has no effect on the enclosure configuration until the enclosure is rebooted.For examples of supported cable configurations, see “Cabling the Enclosures to the Host Server(s)” below.For more information about cabling your enclsoure, see theDell™ PowerVault™ MD1200 and MD1220 Storage Enclosures Hardware Owner’s Manual atssuuppppoorrtt..ddeellll..ccoomm//mmaannuuaallss.EEnncclloossuurree EEMMMM 00 EEMMMM 11Dell PowerVault MD1200 Drives 6 to 11 Drives 0 to 5Dell PowerVault MD1220 Drives 12 to 23 Drives 0 to 111. Split mode LED2. Power LED3. Enclosure status LED4. Hard-drive activity indicator5. Hard-drive status indicator6. Hard drives7. Enclosure-mode switch8. System identification buttonFront-Panel FeaturesBack-Panel Features1234 56767Dell PowerVault MD1200 Dell PowerVault MD12201. DC power LED2. Power supply/cooling fan fault LED3. AC power LED4. Power supply/cooling fan module 15. System identification indicator6. Debug port7. Enclosure Management Module 18. SAS port (In)9. In port link status LED10. Enclosure Management Module 011. SAS port (Out)12. Out port link status LED13. EMM status LED14. Power switches (2)• Your system is identified by a uniqueExpress Service Code and Service Tagnumber. The Express Service Code andService Tag are found on the front ofthe enclosure.• The Service Tag is also located at the backof the system next to the enclosuremanagement modules.• This information is used by Dell to routesupport calls to the appropriate personnel.The enclosure requires a properly grounded electrical outlet,a compatible rack, and a rack installation kit.For information about installing the rails, see theRack InstallationInstructions that shipped with your rail kit.3218123 4 584 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14