PowerVault MD3000 – SAS 5/E Adapter WWN UpgradeProcedureVersion 1.0IntroductionThis document will outline the steps required to run the SAS5EADD utility in aPowerVault MD3000 environment. The SAS5EADD utility is capable of reassigning aunique World Wide Name (WWN) on the SAS 5/E Adapter controller. Two scenariosfor running the utility are outlined below. Scenario 1 covers the situation in which thePowerVault MD3000 has not yet been configured and is awaiting deployment.Scenario 2 covers the situation in which the PowerVault MD3000 system has alreadybeen configured and is in use.Scenario 1: PowerVault MD3000 System Not Yet Configured1. Download the SAS5EADD utility from support.dell.com and extract the utilityaccording to the instructions included with the utility. The utility is availablein both a bootable floppy format and CD format (.ISO).2. Insert the bootable media with the utility into the host systems floppy orCD/DVD bay.3. Reboot the host system and allow it to boot to the SAS5EADD utility. Theutility must not be run from within the operating system.4. The utility will display the new SAS number assigned to the SAS 5/EAdapter(s) in the host system.NOTE: The updates to all controllers in the system should not take more than 5minutes to successfully complete.5. Take note of the newly assigned SAS addresses.6. Remove the upgrade utility media from the host system and reboot.7. Proceed with the configuration of the PowerVault MD3000 system as normal.Scenario 2: PowerVault MD3000 System is Configured and Deployed1. Stop all IO on all virtual disks from all hosts connected to the PowerVaultMD3000 system.2. Backup all data prior to running the update utility.3. Under Linux operating systems, take note of which volumes are mounted andput them in an un-mounted state.CAUTION: Do not reboot any host systems attached to the Powervault MD3000array until instructed to do so in the steps outlined below.Stop all IO on all virtual disks from all hosts connected to MD3000 Array.1