DDEENNOONN EELLEECCTTRROONNIICCSS ((UUSSAA)),, LLLLCC,, 1199 CCHHAAPPIINN RROOAADD,, BBUUIILLDDIINNGG CC,, PPIINNEE BBRROOOOKK,, NNJJ 0077005588MMAAIINN:: ((997733)) 339966--00881100WWEEBB SSIITTEE AADDDDRREESSSS:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..uussaa..ddeennoonn..ccoomm1D E N O N E L E C T R O N I C S ( U S A ) , L L C .DVD-5900 and AVR-5803/5800 UpgradeAudio Setup TipsThe following setup guidelines are recommended for the DVD-5900 player and the AVR-5803/5800upgraded units (both units to be referred to hereafter as AVR-580x) utilizing the DENON Link SE to providefor the highest playback performance and ease of use for DVD-Audio/Super Audio CD material as well asDVD-Video audio.When using the DENON Link SE to transport Dolby and dts data, as well as DVD-Audio, from the DVD-5900to the AVR-580x SE you must do the following:ß CONNECT THE DENON LINK CABLE FROM THE DVD-5900 TO THE AVR-580X. FORSUPER AUDIO CD YOU WILL NEED TO CONNECT 3 PAIRS OF HIGH QUALITY ANALOGCABLES FROM THE 5.1 ANALOG OUTPUTS TO EITHER EXT. IN 1 OR 2 INPUTS ON THEAVR-580X. BE SURE ON THE DVD-5900 TO USE THE FL (FRONT LEFT) AND FR (FRONTRIGHT) ‘1’ LABELLED OUTPUTS HEREß WE ALSO RECOMMEND CONNECTING A SINGLE PAIR OF ANALOG CABLES FROM THEDVD-5900S ‘FL/FR 2’ AUDIO OUTPUTS TO AN UNUSED STEREO INPUT SOURCE, LIKE‘CD’.ÿ This will permit 2 Channel SACD, or CD, listening in ‘Stereo’, ‘Direct’ or ‘Pure Direct’ modesand maintain your subwoofer (2.1 channel playback). Only in the these modes, are theanalog signals NOT converted to digital.NOTE: THE ANALOG CABLE CONNECTION RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT NEEDED IF YOUDECIDE TO LET THE AVR-5803 PERFORM ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERSION ON THE EXTINPUTS AS THE RECEIVER WILL DO BASS MANAGEMENT ON ALL ANALOG SIGNALS (2CHANNEL AND MULTI-CHANNEL) AND ROUTE INFORMATION TO YOUR SUBWOOFER.ALSO IF YOU USE THE A/D CONVERSION INSIDE THE AVR-580X, YOU WILL NOTICE MUCHBETTER, AND CONSISTANT, SUBWOOFER PERFORMANCE – WE HIGHLY RECOMMENDTHIS OPTION AS THERE IS NO DEGRADATION OF THE SACD SIGNALS.Now we need to setup the AVR-580x to accept the DENON Link and to know how to handle the SACDanalog signals, allowing the player and receiver to switch between the Link and EXT. Inputs automatically.ß ACCESSING THE ‘SYSTEM SETUP’ FUNCTION OF THE AVR-580X, TOGGLE DOWN TO‘DIGITAL MULTI CH IN’ (PAGE 2 OF SETUP MENU), PRESS ENTER.Step 1