Instruction ManualHI 38082PotassiumTest Kit forSoilwww.hannainst.comDear Customer,Thank you for choosing a Hanna Product.Please read the instruction sheet carefully before using thetest kit. It will provide you with the necessary informationfor correct use of the kit. If you need additional information,do not hesitate to e-mail us at the chemical test kit from the packing material andexamine it carefully to make sure that no damage hasoccurred during shipping. If there is any noticeable dam-age, notify your Dealer or the nearest Hanna officeimmediately.Each kit is supplied with:• Formaldehyde Solution, 4 bottles with dropper (4 x 25 mL);• HI 38082A-0 Alkaline Solution, 3 bottles (3 x 100 mL);• HI 38082B-0 Potassium Reagent, packets (100 pcs);• 1 long glass test tube (50 mL);• 1 calibrated plastic vessel (50 mL);• 1 long plastic pipette (1 mL);• 1 plastic pipette (3 mL);• 1 syringe (1 mL) with tip;• 1 spoon;• 1 graduated card;• 1 point card.Note: Any damaged or defective item must be returned inits original packing materials.ISTR38082 10/00 PRINTED IN ITALYPotassium is present in tissues responsible for the growth ofplants (primary and secondary meristems). It plays animportant role in how much water is absorbed by the rootsand in the regulation of cellular activity. In addition,potassium makes plants more resistant to diseases andyields a positive effect on the color and fragrance in flowers.The problem of lack of potassium is quite frequent incalcareous soils.Note: mg/L is equivalent to ppm (parts per million).SPECIFICATIONSSPECIFICATIONSSPECIFICATIONSSPECIFICATIONSSPECIFICATIONSSIGNIFICANCE AND USESIGNIFICANCE AND USESIGNIFICANCE AND USESIGNIFICANCE AND USESIGNIFICANCE AND USECHEMICAL REACTIONCHEMICAL REACTIONCHEMICAL REACTIONCHEMICAL REACTIONCHEMICAL REACTIONREAD THE ENTIRE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE KIT1- Obtain a Mehlich extractfrom the soil sample byperforming the Mehlichextraction.2- Using the syringe, add3 mL of soil extract tothe plastic vessel (a fullsyringe contains 1 mL ofsolution, hence repeat 3INSTRUCTIONSINSTRUCTIONSINSTRUCTIONSINSTRUCTIONSINSTRUCTIONSThe Hanna Test Kit determines Potassium in soil via aturbidimetric method. Potassium is precipitated in a basicenvironment with sodium tetraphenylborate. The developedturbidity is proportional to potassium concentration.times). Add deionized water upto the 25 mL mark.3- Add 18 drops of FormaldehydeSolution and swirl to mix.4- Using the short plastic pipette, add 3 mL of HI 38082A-0Alkaline Solution and swirl to mix.5- Add 1 packet of HI 38082B-0reagent and mix by means ofthe spoon.6- Wait for 5 min-utes to allowreaction to com-plete. If Potassium is present,the solution will become tur-bid.7- Place the test tube on thePoint card and look from thetop of the tube at the blackspot on the Point card. Usethe long pipette to fill thetube with the reacted sampleuntil the black spot completelydisappears.Range 0 to 50 mg/L (ppm) as K50 to 250 mg/L (ppm) as KSmallest Increment 5 mg/L [in the 0-50 mg/L range]25 mg/L [in the 50-250 mg/L range]Analysis Method TurbidimetricSample Size 3 mL and 0.6 mLNumber of Tests 100Case Dimensions 235x175x115 mm (9.2x6.9x4.5")Shipping Weight 889.0 g (31.3 oz.) 8- Hold the tube close to the Graduatedcard as shown in the figure.9- Read directly from the Graduated cardthe concentration in mg/L (ppm) of po-tassium that corresponds to the level ofthe liquid in the test tube.10- In case the black spot on the Pointcard disappears when the liquidlevel is under the 50 ppm mark,the potassium concentration ishigher than 50 ppm. Dilute theoriginal sample and perform thetest as follows.11- Using the syringe, add to the plasticvessel 0.6 mL of soil extract.Note: To measure exactly 0.6 mL, takethe syringe and push the plungercompletely down into the syringe.Insert tip into the extract andpull the plunger out until thelower edge of the seal is on the0.0 mL mark of the syringe.Insert the syringe into the vesseland push the sample out untilthe lower edge of the seal is onthe 0.6 mL mark.x183 mL0.6 mL3 mL25 mL