TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDEBefore seeking repair service, please check that the problemis not listed below .PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTIONRumble Pak No batteries. Load batteries.does notvibrate. Batteries have run out . Replace with freshbatteries.Batteries are inserted Check orientation ofincorrectly. batteries.Rumble Pak not Re-insert Rumble Pak,inserted all the way . making sure it"clicks" into place.Controller or Rumble Check connectorsPak connectors are for foreign materialdirty or contaminated and remove ifwith foreign material. necessary.Game Pak is not Use a Rumble Pakdesigned for use with compatible Gamethe Rumble Pak. Pak.Rumble Pak Batteries are running Replace with freshvibration is out. batteries.weak.Rumble Pak Controller or Rumble Check connectorswon't stop Pak connectors are for foreign materialvibrating. dirty or contaminated and remove ifwith foreign material. necessary.If you are still unable to solve the problem, please call theConsumer Assistance Hotline at 1-800-255-3700.If you would like to order an N64 Rumble Pak accessory, areplacement battery cover or other Nintendo parts, pleasecall the Consumer Assistance Hotline at 1-800-255-3700.T his official sea l is your assurance that Nint endo ha s reviewed thi s product·; and that it has met our stan dard s for excellence in workmanship, reliabilityand enter tainment value . Always look for this sealwhen buying games and accessories to ensu recomp lete compa tibility with your Nintendo product.All Nintendo products are licensed by sale for use only with other authorizedproducts bearing the Official Nintendo Seal of Quality 9:(Nintendo")l\Jintendo of America Inc.P.O. Box 957 , Redmond , WA 98073-0957 U.S.A.PRINTED IN JAPANNUS-A-PB-USANINTEND0!'4N64™Rumble Pak™Instruction BookletThank you for purchasing the Nintendo 64 Rumble Pakaccessory for the Nintendo 64 system. Before using theN64 Rumble Pak, first read this instruction booklet andthe instruction booklet for the Game Pak you are using .If. after reading the instructions and precautions, andyou have questions on using the Rumble Pak or the N64system, please call the Consumer Assistance Hotline atthe telephone number listed below .NEED HELP WITH INSTALLATION,MAINTENANCE OR SERVICE?Nintendo®AUTHORIZED REPAIR CENTERS -1-800-2SS-3700MON . - SAT .. 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; SUN .. 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m .. Pacific Time(Times subject to change)