14 SEERSplit SyStEm hEat pump With micRochannEl coilSt4BE - 036, 048, & 060 (3, 4, & 5 ton) SERiESthREE-phaSE modElSimpoRtantattEntion inStallERS:it is your responsibility to know this product better than your customer. this includes being able to install theproduct according to strict safety guidelines and instructing the customer on how to operate and maintain theequipment for the life of the product. Safety should always be the deciding factor when installing this productand using common sense plays an important role as well. pay attention to all safety warnings and any otherspecial notes highlighted in the manual. improper installation of the furnace or failure to follow safety warningscould result in serious injury, death, or property damage.these instructions are primarily intended to assist qualified individuals experienced in the proper installationof this appliance. Some local codes require licensed installation/service personnel for this type of equipment.please read all instructions carefully before starting the installation. Return these instructions to the customer’spackage for future reference.do not dEStRoy. plEaSE REad caREFully & KEEp in a SaFE placE FoR FutuRE REFEREncE.inStallation inStRuctionSShort Cycle Protection ..................................................... 7System Cooling ................................................................ 7System Heating................................................................ 7Defrost Control Board Test Pins ...................................... 7hEat pump maintEnancE .......................................... 7REFRigERant chaRging ............................................ 8Charging the Unit in AC Mode ......................................... 8Application Notes & Charging Charts .............................. 9Figure 5. Charging Chart for 3 Ton Models ................... 9Figure 6. Charging Chart for 4 Ton Models ................... 10Figure 7. Charging Chart for 5 Ton Models ................... 10Application Notes & Heat Mode Verification Tables(Heat Mode Only)............................................................. 11Table 5. Verification Table for 3 Ton Models ................. 12Table 6. Verification Table for 4 Ton Models ................. 12Table 7. Verification Table for 5 Ton Models ................. 12WiRing diagRamS......................................................... 13Figure 8. W.D. for 3,4, & 5 Ton (208/230V) Models ...... 13Figure 9. W.D. for 3,4, & 5 Ton (460V) Models ............. 14inStallation / pERFoRmancE chEcK liSt .......... 16REplacEmEnt paRtS .................................................. 16impoRtant SaFEty inFoRmation............................ 2hEat pump inStallation .......................................... 3General Information ......................................................... 3Before You Install the Heat Pump.................................... 3Locating the Heat Pump .................................................. 3Packaging Removal ......................................................... 3Ground Level ................................................................... 3Rooftop ............................................................................ 3Connecting Refrigerant Tubing Between the Indoor &Outdoor Unit..................................................................... 4Outdoor Orifice Removal & Installation ............................ 4ElEctRical WiRing ..................................................... 5Pre-Electrical Checklist .................................................... 5Line Voltage ..................................................................... 5Grounding ........................................................................ 5Thermostat / Low Voltage Connections ........................... 5Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply Voltage .............................. 6StaRt up & adJuStmEntS ......................................... 7Pre-Start Check List ......................................................... 7Start-Up Procedures ........................................................ 7Operating Temperatures ............................................... 7Air Circulation - Indoor Blower ......................................... 7