Meridian 1Meridian CompanionSite Planning Reference ManualDocument Number: 553-3601-106Document Release: Standard 2.00Date: September 1996Copyright @ 1996—1999 Nortel Networks, All Rights ReservedPrinted in CanadaNORTEL NETWORKS CONFIDENTIALThe information contained herein is the property of Nortel Networks and is strictly confidential. Except asexpressly authorized in writing by Nortel Networks, the holder shall keep all information contained hereinconfidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect theinformation, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree ofcare it uses to protect its own confidential information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except asexpressly authorized in writing by Nortel Networks, the holder is granted no rights to use the informationcontained herein.Meridian 1, SL-1, and Companion are trademarks of Nortel Networks Corporation.Meridian Companion Site Planning Reference ManualNOTICE: Notwithstanding any explicit confidentiality or proprietary markings to the contrary, theinformation contained in this document has been reviewed and approved for public disclosureby Nortel. However, the access to, use and disclosure of this document and the informationcontained therein continue to be subject to copyright and other restrictions, conditions andlimitations as detailed in the Terms of Use. (