1/2-type CCDColor Surveillance Cameraswith Low-Light B/ W ModeWV-CL920A SeriesRLens: optionalKEY FEATURESThe new WV-CL920A Series combines a near-infrared CCDwith a new digital signal processor (DSP). Switchingautomatically from color mode during the day to B/W modeat night, these cameras are ideal for 24-hour surveillance.When equipped with an F1.4 lens, they deliver clear imagesin light as low as 0.14 lx (0.014 fc) in color mode and as lowas 0.01 lx (0.001 fc) in B/W mode. With electronicenhancement, sensitivity is up to 32 times greater than thatof standard cameras. When combined with a near-infraredlight source, these cameras can also be used for near-infrared(B/W) surveillance in settings with no visible light.Horizontal resolution is 480 lines in color mode, 570 lines inblack and white. Many advanced features are included in theWV-CL920A including, a high-speed electronic shutter,character display, and an easy to connect alarm outputterminal for use with remote sensors or other surveillanceequipment.The WV-CL920A Series is ideal for street, highway, parkinglot, harbor, building exterior, and other applications thatrequire ultra-sensitive 24-hour surveillance.• 1/2-type interline transfer CCD w/ infrared sensitivity.• Switches from selected color mode to B/W mode, automatically ormanually.• Super sensitivity of 0.14 lx (0.014 fc) at F1.4 in color mode, and 0.01 lx(0.001 fc) in B/W mode.• 480-line horizontal resolution in color mode, and 570-line in B/W mode.• ELC function enables the use of fixed iris lens for indoor applications.• Built-in digital motion detector.• Built-in Alarm output terminal for external sensors.• Built-in 16 alphanumeric character display.• Electronic shutter from 1/60 to 1/10,000 seconds.• Electronic sensitivity enhancement (Auto/Manual/Off)• VD2 sync capability with Panasonic system products.• Gen-lock capability for the large system application.• Accepts both AC 24V & DC 12V for WV-CL924A camera model.EQUIPPED WITH AN F1.4 LENS, THESE ULTRA-SENSITIVECAMERAS FOR 24-HOUR SURVEILLANCE DELIVER CLEARIMAGES IN LIGHT AS LOW AS 0.01 LX(0.001 FC)* *In B/W mode