USA Non TouchScreen Models VS Line Z LineEMV Retail Quick Reference GuideThese steps have been provided as a guide for assistance.SWIPED OR M ANUAL C ARD S ALE C HIP C ARD S ALE D EBIT S ALEu Input Sale Amount and press OKv Swipe OR Manually Enter Card #w Press OK to confirm Sale Amount- If AVS prompts, input AVS informationx Terminal communicates with the Hosty Receipts Printu Input Sale Amount and press OKv Insert Chip Card- When applicable select applicationw Press OK to confirm Sale Amount- When applicable select language preferencex Press F2 to reconfirm sale.- When applicable input PIN and press OKy Terminal communicates with the Hostz Receipts Printu Input Sale Amount and press OKv Insert Chip Cardw Press OK to confirm Sale Amount- When applicable select language preferencex Press F2 to reconfirm sale.y Press F2 to select Chequing Account or F4 toselect Savings.z input PIN and press OK{ Terminal communicates with the Host| Receipts PrintV OID T RANSACTION R ETURN T RANSACTION S ETTLE T HE O PEN B ATCHu From the ENTER AMOUNT screen press F3v Highlight VOID CR/DB TRANS and press OKw Input Password (1234 Default) and press OKx Highlight BY TRANSACTION # and press OKy Input Transaction # to be Voided and press OKz Press F3 to select transaction{ Press F2 to reconfirm void.| Input Password (1234 Default) and press OK} Receipts Printu Press Yellow Backspace Key until Display ReadsRETURN enter Amountv Input RETURN Amount and press OKw Swipe, Manually Enter Card or Insert Chip Cardx Input Password (1234 Default) and press OKy Press F2 to confirm return amount- When applicable select language preferencez Receipts Printu From the ENTER AMOUNT screen press F3v Highlight Core Settle Daily Batch and press OKw Input password if promptedx Terminal communicates with the Hosty Reports PrintDocV10.14WWW.DEJAVOOSYSTEMS.COM