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CORE first page preview


Brand: FARONICS | Category: Software
Table of contents
CORE first page preview


Brand: FARONICS | Category: Software
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Contents
  5. Preface
  6. Important Information
  7. Technical Support
  8. Definition of Terms
  9. Introduction
  10. Faronics Core Overview
  11. Elements of Core Server and Core Database
  12. System Requirements
  13. Workstation Requirements
  14. Installing Faronics Core
  15. Installation Overview
  16. Accessing Core Console
  17. Configuring Faronics Core via the Configuration Wizard
  18. Configuration Wizard
  19. Configuring Core Console Manually
  20. Connecting to a Core Server
  21. Compatibility of Loadin versions on Core Server and Core Console
  22. Core Console Properties Dialog
  23. Console Tab
  24. About Tab
  25. Configuring Core Server Manually
  26. Overview
  27. Server Tab
  28. Database Tab
  29. WOL Web Service Tab
  30. Sending an Email via the Remote WOL Email Generator
  31. Waking up Workstations via the Remote Workstation Wake up Web Interface
  32. Core Agent Installer
  33. Using Advanced Options
  34. Faronics Core Security
  35. Ports used by Faronics Core
  36. Wake-On-LAN
  37. Deploying the Core Agent
  38. Discovering Unmanaged Workstations in Core Console
  39. Discovering Unmanaged Workstations on the Local Network
  40. Discovering Unmanaged Workstations using LDAP
  41. Deploying the Core Agent from the Console
  42. Deploying the Core Agent Manually on the Workstation (Attended Install)
  43. Displaying Workstations in Core Console
  44. Using Core Console
  45. Core Console Layout
  46. Core Console User Interface Components
  47. Core Console Action Pane
  48. Manage Users and Roles
  49. Permissions for User Roles
  50. Activate or Deactivate a User
  51. Custom Workstation Groups
  52. Static Custom Workstation Groups
  53. Scheduling Action
  54. Viewing, Editing, Re-executing, Canceling and Renaming Scheduled Actions
  55. Reports
  56. Configuring the Core Agent
  57. Upgrading from Core Console 2.x to Faronics Core 3.0
  58. Uninstalling Faronics Core
  59. Uninstalling Core Console and Core Server via the Installer
  60. Uninstalling Core Console and Core Server via Add or Remove Programs
  61. Uninstalling Core Console (Including Database)
  62. Uninstalling the Core Agent from the Workstation
  63. Appendix B Single Subnet Multiple Core Servers
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