Jabra PRO 9460 - PRO 9460-DUO manuals
PRO 9460 - PRO 9460-DUO
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- IntrODuCtIOn
- ImPOrtant safety InfOrmatIOn
- caRe and Maintenance
- PrODuCt OvervIew
- oPtional acceSSoRieS
- headSet diagRaMS
- BaSe diagRaM
- system setuP anD COnneCtIOns
- the Quick-StaRt SetuP wizaRd
- connecting the BaSe to youR deSk Phone
- configuRing the JaBRa PRo BaSe foR youR deSk Phone
- uSing a handSet lifteR oR electRonic hookSwitch
- connecting the BaSe to youR coMPuteR
- InstallIng anD runnIng the Jabra PC suIte
- centRal adMiniStRation and MaSS dePloyMent
- headSet contRolS and indicatoRS
- how to anSweR a call
- hanging uP
- contRolling the SPeakeR voluMe and MicRoPhone
- laSt nuMBeR Redial
- the Jabra PrO heaDset
- attaching oR detaching a weaRing Style
- headSet contRolS and SignalS
- BatteRy indicatoRS, RechaRge and RePlaceMent
- Staying within Range
- the Jabra PrO tOuChsCreen base
- StandaRd oPeRation
- PaiRing and connecting the BaSe and headSet
- Setting active call and audio PRefeRenceS
- Managing call colliSion
- Managing call waiting
- Setting geneRal uSeR PRefeRenceS
- Re-Running the SetuP wizaRdS
- BaSe audio indicatoRS
- headSet docking-oPeRation
- theft PRotection
- usIng Jabra PrO 9465-DuO Or 9470 wIth a mObIle PhOne
- foRcing Reconnection/diSconnection via the touchScReen
- reCOrDIng yOur Calls
- uSing windowS Sound RecoRdeR to RecoRd a conveRSation
- faQs anD trOubleshOOtIng
- gettIng assIstanCe
- teChnICal sPeCIfICatIOns
- JaBRa PRo flex headSet
- MateRialS and alleRgieS
- PRoduct diSPoSal
- glOssary
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