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Jabra PRO 9460 - PRO 9460-DUO manuals

PRO 9460 - PRO 9460-DUO first page preview

PRO 9460 - PRO 9460-DUO

Brand: Jabra | Category: Headsets
PRO 9460 - PRO 9460-DUO first page preview

PRO 9460 - PRO 9460-DUO

Brand: Jabra | Category: Headsets
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. IntrODuCtIOn
  6. ImPOrtant safety InfOrmatIOn
  7. caRe and Maintenance
  8. PrODuCt OvervIew
  9. oPtional acceSSoRieS
  10. headSet diagRaMS
  11. BaSe diagRaM
  12. system setuP anD COnneCtIOns
  13. the Quick-StaRt SetuP wizaRd
  14. connecting the BaSe to youR deSk Phone
  15. configuRing the JaBRa PRo BaSe foR youR deSk Phone
  16. uSing a handSet lifteR oR electRonic hookSwitch
  17. connecting the BaSe to youR coMPuteR
  18. InstallIng anD runnIng the Jabra PC suIte
  19. centRal adMiniStRation and MaSS dePloyMent
  20. headSet contRolS and indicatoRS
  21. how to anSweR a call
  22. hanging uP
  23. contRolling the SPeakeR voluMe and MicRoPhone
  24. laSt nuMBeR Redial
  25. the Jabra PrO heaDset
  26. attaching oR detaching a weaRing Style
  27. headSet contRolS and SignalS
  28. BatteRy indicatoRS, RechaRge and RePlaceMent
  29. Staying within Range
  30. the Jabra PrO tOuChsCreen base
  31. StandaRd oPeRation
  32. PaiRing and connecting the BaSe and headSet
  33. Setting active call and audio PRefeRenceS
  34. Managing call colliSion
  35. Managing call waiting
  36. Setting geneRal uSeR PRefeRenceS
  37. Re-Running the SetuP wizaRdS
  38. BaSe audio indicatoRS
  39. headSet docking-oPeRation
  40. theft PRotection
  41. usIng Jabra PrO 9465-DuO Or 9470 wIth a mObIle PhOne
  42. foRcing Reconnection/diSconnection via the touchScReen
  43. reCOrDIng yOur Calls
  44. uSing windowS Sound RecoRdeR to RecoRd a conveRSation
  45. faQs anD trOubleshOOtIng
  46. gettIng assIstanCe
  47. teChnICal sPeCIfICatIOns
  48. JaBRa PRo flex headSet
  49. MateRialS and alleRgieS
  50. PRoduct diSPoSal
  51. glOssary
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