Casio SE-C6000 manuals
Table of contents
- Introduction & Contents
- safety precautions
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Getting Started
- Plug the cash register into a wall outlet
- Set the time.
- Programming special rounding for Asian, Oceania and other countries
- Programming Australian GST (for Australia only)
- Programming US tax table
- Programming Canadian tax table
- Department unit price programming
- Advanced operations and Setups
- Introducing the Register
- Mode switch
- Display
- Keyboard SE-S6000 for Asian, Oceania and other countries
- Keyboard SE-S6000 for US and Canada
- Keyboard SE-C6000 for Asian, Oceania and other countries
- Keyboard SE-C6000 for US and Canada
- Allocatable functions
- previous balance
- Basic Operations and Setups
- How to use your cash register
- Assigning a clerk
- Displaying the time and date
- Preparing and using department / fl at-PLU keys
- Multiplication
- programming procedure
- To program high amount limit for each department / fl at-PLU
- Registering department / fl at-PLU keys by programming data
- Preparing and using PLUs
- Registering PLUs
- Split sales of packaged item
- Preparing and using discounts
- Preparing and using reductions
- Reduction for subtotal
- Registering charge and check payments
- Registering returned goods in the REG mode
- Reduction of amounts paid on refund
- Making corrections in a registration
- To correct an item you input and registered
- To cancel all items in a transaction
- Shifting the taxable status of an item (For US only)
- Printing the daily sales reset report
- Advanced Operations
- Single item cash sales
- Addition
- Premium (%+)
- Tray total
- Coupon transaction
- Preset tender amount
- Registering pick up amounts
- Bottle link operation
- Arrangement key registrations
- Currency exchange function
- Partial tender in a foreign currency
- Tips
- Inputting the number of customers
- Text recall
- Printing slip
- To perform auto batch printing 1
- Opening a check
- Issuing a guest receipt
- New / old check key operation
- Table transfer
- Add check
- Separate check
- Condiment / preparation PLUs
- VAT breakdown printing
- Deposit registrations
- Bill copy
- Actual stock quantity inquiry
- Scanning PLU
- Age verifi cation (For US only)
- Mixed food stamp / cash change
- Food stamp registration (Illinois rule)
- Electronic benefi ts transfer
- Change due
- Programming to clerk
- Programming descriptors and messages
- Programming department / transaction key descriptor
- SE-S6000 for Asia, Oceania and other countries
- SE-C6000 for Asia, Oceania and other countries
- Entering characters
- Using character keyboard (For SE-C6000)
- Entering characters by code
- Editing characters
- Printing read / reset reports
- To print the fi nancial read report
- To print the daily sales read / reset report
- To print the PLU read / reset report
- To print the monthly sales read / reset report
- To print the periodic 1 / 2 sales read / reset reports
- To print a selected read / reset / periodic report on the display
- To print other sales read / reset reports
- Reading the cash register's program
- To print key descriptor, name, message program (except PLU and Scanning PLU)
- To print the PLU program
- Troubleshooting
- When the register does not operate at all
- In case of power failure
- User Maintenance and Options
- To replace receipt paper
- Specifi cations
- Appendix
- Index
- Table Of Contents
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