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Canon image Prograf iPF785 Series manuals

image Prograf iPF785 Series first page preview

image Prograf iPF785 Series

Brand: Canon | Category: Printer
image Prograf iPF785 Series first page preview

image Prograf iPF785 Series

Brand: Canon | Category: Printer
Table of contents
  1. safety precautions
  2. cleaning the printer
  3. legal notices
  4. manuals for this printer
  5. about this user manual
  6. handling paper
  7. loading rolls in the printer
  8. removing the roll from the printer
  9. handling sheets
  10. removing sheets
  11. consumables and maintenance
  12. Printheads
  13. maintenance cartridge
  14. Cleaning the Printer
  15. cleaning the printhead
  16. Operations and Display Screen
  17. menu operations
  18. menu structure
  19. ink menu
  20. set./adj. menu
  21. Printer parts
  22. printer relocation
  23. reinstalling the printer
  24. software installation
  25. installing the printer driver (mac os)
  26. convenient printer driver features
  27. borderless printing
  28. large-format printing
  29. enlarged/reduced printing
  30. adjustments for better print quality
  31. adjusting the feed amount
  32. adjusting line length
  33. problems regarding paper
  34. clearing a jammed sheet
  35. roll paper cannot be inserted into the paper feed slot
  36. depression on the leading edge is left
  37. printing does not start
  38. the printer stops during a print job
  39. problems with the printing quality
  40. the edges of the paper are dirty
  41. the surface of the paper is dirty
  42. banding in different colors occurs
  43. image edges are blurred or white banding occurs
  44. the length of printed images is inaccurate in the feeding direction
  45. lines are misaligned
  46. cannot print over a network
  47. installation problems
  48. hp-gl/2 problems
  49. other problems
  50. messages advising to check the maintenance cartridge are not cleared
  51. error message
  52. the paper is too small
  53. paprwidth mismatch
  54. insufficient paper for job
  55. roll printing is selected, but sheets are loaded
  56. regular printing is selected, but a roll is loaded
  57. paper not aligned with right guide
  58. end of paper feed
  59. paper position not suitable for borderless printing
  60. messages regarding ink
  61. close ink tank cover
  62. messages regarding printing or adjustment
  63. messages regarding printheads
  64. execute printhead cleaning
  65. messages regarding the maintenance cartridge
  66. messages regarding the hard disk
  67. gl2: wxxxx the memory is full. (xxxx is 0501, 0903, or)
  68. other messages
  69. top cover is open
  70. Table Of Contents
  71. Table Of Contents
image Prograf iPF785 Series first page preview

image Prograf iPF785 Series

Brand: Canon | Category: Printer
Table of contents
  1. large format printer
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. ψasТcΝPrТntТnРΝWorkПloа
  16. PrТntТnРΝprocОНurО
  17. Turning the Printer On and Of
  18. Loading and Printing on Rolls
  19. Loading and Printing on Sheets
  20. Printing in Windows
  21. Printing from Mac OS
  22. ωancОlТnРΝprТntΝУobs
  23. Canceling Print Jobs from Windows
  24. PausТnРΝPrТntТnР
  25. EnСancОНΝPrТntТnРΝτptТons
  26. ωСoosТnРΝPapОrΝПorΝPrТntТnР
  27. PrТntТnРΝPСotosΝanНΝτППТcОΝϊocumОnts
  28. Printing Photos and Images (Mac OS)
  29. Printing Oice Documents
  30. Printing Oice Documents (Mac OS)
  31. Using PosterArtist to Compose Originals
  32. PrТntТnРΝωχϊΝϊraаТnРs
  33. Printing Line Drawings and Text (Windows)
  34. Printing Line Drawings and Text (Mac OS)
  35. Printing from AutoCAD
  36. Specifying Colors and Printing CAD Drawings
  37. Specifying Colors and Printing CAD Drawings (Windows)
  38. HP-GL/2 Printing
  39. χНУustТnРΝImaРОs
  40. Fine-Tuning Colors of Photos and Images (Windows)
  41. Fine-Tuning Colors of Photos and Images (Mac OS)
  42. Giving Priority to Particular Graphic Elements and Colors for Printing
  43. Choosing the Document Type and Printing Conditions (Windows)
  44. Choosing the Document Type and Printing Conditions (Mac OS)
  45. PrТntТnРΝОnlarРОmОntsΝorΝrОНuctТons
  46. Resizing Originals to Fit the Roll Width
  47. Resizing Originals to Fit the Roll Width (Mac OS)
  48. Resizing Originals by Entering a Scaling Value
  49. Resizing Originals by Entering a Scaling Value (Windows)
  50. Resizing Originals by Entering a Scaling Value (Mac OS)
  51. PrТntТnРΝatΝПullΝsТгО
  52. Printing at Full Size (Windows)
  53. Printing at Full Size (Mac OS)
  54. Borderless Printing at Actual Size
  55. Borderless Printing at Actual Size (Windows)
  56. Borderless Printing at Actual Size (Mac OS)
  57. ψorНОrlОssΝPrТntТnР
  58. Borderless Printing by Resizing Originals to Match the Paper Size (Windows)
  59. Borderless Printing by Resizing Originals to Fit the Roll Width
  60. Borderless Printing by Resizing Originals to Fit the Roll Width (Windows)
  61. Borderless Printing by Resizing Originals to Fit the Roll Width (Mac OS)
  62. PrТntТnРΝbannОrsΝorΝatΝotСОrΝnonάstanНarНΝsТгОs
  63. Printing Vertical or Horizontal Banners (Large-Format Printing; Windows)
  64. Printing Vertical or Horizontal Banners (Large-Format Printing; Mac OS)
  65. Printing on Non-Standard Paper Sizes
  66. Printing on Non-Standard Paper Sizes (Mac OS)
  67. TТlТnРΝanНΝmultТplОΝpaРОsΝpОrΝsСООt
  68. Printing Multiple Originals Next to Each Other (Windows)
  69. Printing Multiple Originals Next to Each Other (Mac OS)
  70. Printing Multiple Pages Continuously
  71. Printing Multiple Pages Continuously (Mac OS)
  72. Printing Multiple Pages Per Sheet
  73. Printing Multiple Pages Per Sheet (Mac OS)
  74. Printing Posters in Sections
  75. ωОntОrТnРΝorТРТnals
  76. Printing Originals Centered on Rolls (Mac OS)
  77. Printing Originals Centered on Sheets
  78. Printing Originals Centered on Sheets (Mac OS)
  79. ωonsОrvТnРΝrollΝpapОr
  80. Conserving Roll Paper by Rotating Originals 90 Degrees (Mac OS)
  81. Conserving Roll Paper by Printing Originals Without Top and Bottom Margins (Windows)
  82. Conserving Roll Paper by Printing Originals Without Top and Bottom Margins (Mac OS)
  83. ωСОckТnРΝImaРОsΝψОПorОΝPrТntТnР
  84. τtСОrΝusОПulΝsОttТnРs
  85. Printing with Watermarks—COPY, FILE COPY, and so on (Windows)
  86. Making the Original Orientation Match the Paper Orientation
  87. Making the Original Orientation Match the Paper Orientation (Mac OS)
  88. Using Favorites
  89. Cutting Roll Paper After Printing
  90. Cutting Roll Paper After Printing (Mac OS)
  91. WТnНoаsΝSoПtаarО
  92. PrТntОrΝϊrТvОr
  93. Specifying Paper in the Printer Driver
  94. Conirming Print Settings
  95. Checking the Layout in a Preview Before Printing
  96. Accessing the Printer Driver Dialog Box from Applications
  97. Accessing the Printer Driver Dialog Box from the Operating System Menu
  98. Main Sheet
  99. Paper Information on Printer Dialog Box
  100. drying time
  101. View Settings Dialog Box for the Printing Application
  102. Object Adjustment Dialog box: Color
  103. Color Adjustment Sheet: Monochrome
  104. Object Adjustment Dialog box: Monochrome
  105. Page Setup Sheet
  106. Output Method Dialog box
  107. Paper Size Options Dialog Box
  108. Layout Sheet
  109. Page Options Dialog Box
  110. Special Settings Dialog Box
  111. Favorites Sheet
  112. Utility Sheet
  113. Support Sheet
  114. Settings Summaries Dialog Box
  115. PrОvТОа
  116. Preview Main Window
  117. Dialog Area
  118. Enlarge/Reduce the screen display
  119. Priority setting for rotating 90 degrees
  120. Printing with Selecting the Layout
  121. Print on the Center
  122. Not Print Spaces at the Top/Bottom
  123. όrООΝδaвout
  124. Starting Free Layout
  125. Free Layout Main Window
  126. Detailed Settings
  127. Preferences Dialog Box
  128. Zoom Dialog Box
  129. Laying out a Multiple-File Document on One
  130. Laying out a Document Created with Multiple Application Programs on One
  131. Selecting an Object
  132. Moving an Object
  133. Laying out Objects Automatically
  134. Changing the Object Overlapping Order
  135. Pasting a Copied or Cut Object
  136. Folded Duplex Window
  137. Finished Size Settings Dialog Box
  138. Binding Settings Dialog Box
  139. Prints using Folded Duplex
  140. ωolorΝТmaРОRUσσERΝEnlarРОmОntΝωopв
  141. Color imageRUNNER Enlargement Copy Dialog Box
  142. Hot Folder
  143. Creating a New Hot Folder
  144. Specifying an Existing Shared Folder as a Hot Folder
  145. Setting the Print Parameters
  146. PrТntΝPluРάInΝПorΝτППТcО
  147. Steps to install
  148. Steps to uninstall
  149. When Print Plug-In for Oice is not displayed
  150. To start from Microsoft Word
  151. Print Matching Roll Width(Word)
  152. Borderless Printing(Word)
  153. Multi-Page Printing(Word)
  154. Register the settings (Word)
  155. Print Using Registered Settings(Word)
  156. Portrait Orientation/Landscape Orientation(Word)
  157. To start from Microsoft PowerPoint
  158. Print Matching Roll Width(PowerPoint)
  159. Borderless Printing(PowerPoint)
  160. Multi-Page Printing(PowerPoint)
  161. Register the settings (PowerPoint)
  162. Print Using Registered Settings(PowerPoint)
  163. Portrait Orientation/Landscape Orientation(PowerPoint)
  164. To start from Microsoft Excel
  165. Print Entire Sheet(Excel)
  166. Coniguring Binding (Excel)
  167. Coniguring Special Settings
  168. εacΝτSΝSoПtаarО
  169. Main Pane
  170. Paper Detailed Settings Dialog Box
  171. View set. Dialog Box for the Printing Application
  172. Color Settings Pane: Color
  173. Page Setup Pane
  174. Additional Settings Pane
  175. Paper Settings Panel
  176. Easy Settings
  177. Advanced Settings
  178. Output Settings Panel
  179. borderless printing
  180. Color Settings Panel
  181. Color Adjustment
  182. Matching
  183. Driver Matching Mode
  184. ICC Matching Mode
  185. ColorSync
  186. Go to Page Dialog Box
  187. Print Page Rotated 90 Degrees
  188. Display with All
  189. Moving a
  190. Page Setup Dialog Box
  191. Format Dialog Box
  192. Changing the Object Size
  193. Rotating an Object
  194. Editing a Hot Folder (Setting Print Conditions)
  195. Deleting a Hot Folder
  196. paper source
  197. ώanНlТnРΝanНΝUsОΝoПΝPapОr
  198. PapОr
  199. Using Paper Other Than Genuine Paper and feed conirmed Paper
  200. Printing on Paper Other Than Genuine Paper and feed conirmed Paper Using Existing Settings
  201. Displaying the Paper Reference Guide
  202. Updating paper information
  203. ώanНlТnРΝrolls
  204. Loading Rolls in the Printer
  205. Changing the Type of Paper
  206. Specifying the Paper Length
  207. Removing the Roll Holder from Rolls
  208. Feeding Roll Paper Manually
  209. Specifying the Ink Drying Time for Rolls
  210. Specifying the Cutting Method for Rolls
  211. Cutting the Leading Edge of Roll Paper Automatically
  212. Reducing Dust from Cutting Rolls
  213. ώanНlТnРΝsСООts
  214. Printing From a Desired Starting Point
  215. Removing Sheets
  216. τutputΝStackОr
  217. εОНТaΝωonПТРuratТonΝToolΝ(WТnНoаs)
  218. Starting Method
  219. Media Coniguration Tool Main Window
  220. Editing Media Type Information for Genuine Paper and Feed Conirmed Paper
  221. Adding Media Types
  222. Changing Media Names
  223. Deleting Media Types You Have Added
  224. Switching Media Types Display Show/Hide
  225. Changing the Display Order of Media Types
  226. Checking the update
  227. εОНТaΝωonПТРuratТonΝToolΝ(εacΝτS)
  228. ωontrolΝPanОl
  229. τpОratТonsΝanНΝϊТsplaвΝScrООn
  230. Control Panel Display
  231. How to View Instructions with Navigate
  232. Checking Instructions During Printer Operations
  233. PrТntОrΝεОnu
  234. Menu Operations
  235. Menu Structure
  236. Menu Settings
  237. Status Print
  238. Printing Interface Setting Reports
  239. PrТntОrΝParts
  240. Side
  241. Top Cover (Inside)
  242. Roll Cover (Inside)
  243. Ink Tank Cover (Inside)
  244. Stand
  245. ώarНΝϊТsk
  246. Checking the Free Hard Disk Space
  247. Erasing Data on the Printer's Hard Disk
  248. τptТonalΝaccОssorТОs
  249. σОtаorkΝSОttТnР
  250. σОtаorkΝEnvТronmОnt
  251. UsТnРΝRОmotОUI
  252. InТtТalΝSОttТnРs
  253. Coniguring the IP Address Using ARP and PING Commands
  254. Coniguring TCP/IPv6 Network Settings
  255. Coniguring the Printer Driver Destination (Mac OS)
  256. Coniguring the Printer's TCP/IP Network Settings With RemoteUI
  257. εacΝτSΝSОttТnРs
  258. τtСОrΝSОttТnРs
  259. Coniguring the Communication Mode Manually
  260. Email Notiication When Printing is Finished or Errors Occur
  261. ϊОvТcОΝSОtupΝUtТlТtвΝ(WТnНoаs)
  262. PrТntΝJobΝεanaРОmОnt
  263. StatusΝεonТtorΝ(WТnНoаs)
  264. Job Management Using imagePROGRAF Status Monitor
  265. PrТntmonТtorΝ(εacΝτS)
  266. job management using imageprograf printmonitor
  267. χccountТnРΝ(WТnНoаs)
  268. Accounting Manager Main Window
  269. Job List Area
  270. Accounting Manager Basic Procedures
  271. Setting the Unit Cost for Ink
  272. Setting the Unit Cost for Paper
  273. Setting the Unit Cost for Items Other Than Ink and Paper
  274. Coniguring Units and Display Settings in Accounting Manager
  275. Automatically Acquiring Print Job Logs at Regular Intervals
  276. Exporting Print Job Data as a CSV File
  277. Showing, Saving and Loading Selected Unit Cost Data
  278. ψasТcΝPrТntΝJobΝτpОratТons
  279. Saving Print Jobs on the Printer Hard Disk
  280. Managing the Job Queue (Deleting or Preempting Other Jobs)
  281. Managing Pending Jobs (Printing or Deleting Jobs on Hold)
  282. Printing Saved Jobs
  283. Deleting Saved Jobs
  284. Moving Saved Jobs
  285. χНvancОНΝPrТntΝJobΝτpОratТons
  286. Printing Without Saving Jobs in the Common Box
  287. Setting Passwords for Personal Boxes
  288. Naming Personal Boxes
  289. Displaying a List of Saved Jobs
  290. Printing a List of Saved Jobs
  291. Displaying Details of Saved Jobs
  292. Renaming Saved Jobs
  293. χНУustmОntsΝПorΝψОttОrΝPrТntΝQualТtв
  294. χНУustТnРΝtСОΝPrТntСОaН
  295. Manual Adjustment to Straighten Lines and Colors
  296. Adjusting Line Misalignment
  297. Troubleshooting Paper Abrasion and Blurry Images
  298. χНУustТnРΝtСОΝПООНΝamount
  299. Automatic Banding Adjustment
  300. Manual Banding Adjustment
  301. Fine-Tuning the Paper Feed Amount
  302. Adjusting Line Length
  303. Adjusting the Vacuum Strength
  304. εaТntОnancОΝanНΝωonsumablОs
  305. InkΝTanks
  306. Checking Ink Tank Levels
  307. Attach the Ink Tank Cover to the printer
  308. PrТntСОaНs
  309. Cleaning the Printhead
  310. Replacing the Printhead
  311. εaТntОnancОΝωartrТНРО
  312. Checking the Remaining Maintenance Cartridge Capacity
  313. When to Replace the Maintenance Cartridge
  314. ωlОanТnРΝtСОΝPrТntОr
  315. τtСОrΝεaТntОnancО
  316. Reinstalling the Printer
  317. Updating the Firmware
  318. TroublОsСootТnР
  319. όrОquОntlвΝχskОНΝQuОstТons
  320. ProblОmsΝRОРarНТnРΝPapОr
  321. Clearing a Jammed Sheet
  322. Clearing Jammed Paper (Paper Feed Slot)
  323. Roll paper cannot be inserted into the Paper Feed Slot
  324. Depression on the leading edge is left
  325. PrТntТnРΝНoОsΝnotΝstart
  326. An error message is shown on the Display Screen
  327. ProblОmsΝаТtСΝtСОΝprТntТnРΝqualТtв
  328. The edges of the paper are dirty
  329. The surface of the paper is dirty
  330. Banding in diferent colors occurs
  331. Image edges are blurred or white banding occurs
  332. The length of printed images is inaccurate in the feeding direction
  333. Lines are misaligned
  334. ωannotΝprТntΝovОrΝaΝnОtаork
  335. InstallatТonΝproblОms
  336. ώPάύδήβΝproblОms
  337. HP-GL/2 jobs are printed in monochrome (or color)
  338. τtСОrΝproblОms
  339. If the Printer Makes a Strange Sound
  340. ErrorΝεОssaРО
  341. ErrorΝεОssaРОs
  342. εОssaРОsΝrОРarНТnРΝpapОr
  343. The paper is too small
  344. PaprWidth Mismatch
  345. Insuicient paper for job
  346. Roll printing is selected, but sheets are loaded
  347. Paper jam
  348. Paper not aligned with right guide
  349. End of paper feed
  350. Paper position not suitable for borderless printing
  351. εОssaРОsΝrОРarНТnРΝТnk
  352. Close Ink Tank Cover
  353. εОssaРОsΝrОРarНТnРΝprТntТnРΝorΝaНУustmОnt
  354. εОssaРОsΝrОРarНТnРΝprТntСОaНs
  355. Execute printhead cleaning
  356. εОssaРОsΝrОРarНТnРΝtСОΝmaТntОnancОΝcartrТНРО
  357. εОssaРОsΝrОРarНТnРΝtСОΝСarНΝНТsk
  358. εОssaРОsΝrОРarНТnРΝώPάύδήβ
  359. τtСОrΝεОssaРОs
  360. Top cover is open
  361. SpОcТПТcatТons
  362. PrТntОrΝSpОcТПТcatТons
  363. Print Area
  364. χppОnНТб
  365. SaПОtвΝPrОcautТons
  366. Legal Notices
  367. εanualsΝПorΝtСТsΝprТntОr
  368. ϊТsposalΝoПΝtСОΝproНuct
image Prograf iPF785 Series first page preview

image Prograf iPF785 Series

Brand: Canon | Category: Plotter
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Product Overview
  6. Features
  7. Cutter
  8. Stand (ST-34)
  9. Hard Disk Drive
  10. Product Specifications
  11. Detailed Specifications
  12. Names and Functions of Components
  13. Side
  14. Top Cover (Inside)
  15. Roll Unit Cover (Inside)
  16. Ink Tank Cover (Inside)
  17. Basic Operation
  18. Display
  19. Menu
  20. Safety and Precautions
  21. Adhesion of Ink
  22. Electric Parts
  23. Other Precautions
  24. Ink Tank
  25. Precautions When Servicing Printer
  26. Disposing of the Lithium Battery
  27. Basic Operation Outline
  28. Print Signal Sequence
  29. Print Driving
  30. Firmware
  31. Operation Sequence at Power-off
  32. Print Position Adjustment Function
  33. Printer Mechanical System
  34. Ink Passage
  35. Ink Tank Unit
  36. Carriage Unit
  37. Printhead
  38. Purge Unit
  39. Maintenance Cartridge
  40. Air Flow
  41. Paper Path
  42. Cutter Unit
  43. Printer Electrical System
  44. Main Controller
  45. Connectors and Pin Arrangement of Main controller PCB
  46. HDD expansion PCB components
  47. Connectors and Pin Arrangement of Carriage PCB
  48. Maintenance Cartridge Relay PCB
  49. Power Supply
  50. Connectors and Pin Arrangement of Power supply PCB
  51. Detection Functions with Sensors
  52. Ink passage system
  53. Carriage system
  54. Paper path system
  55. Others
  56. Transporting the Printer
  57. Reinstalling the Printer
  58. Service Parts
  59. Disassembly/Reassembly
  60. Units requiring draining of ink
  61. External Covers
  62. Drive Unit
  63. Ink Tube Unit
  64. Waste Ink Collection Unit
  65. Multi Sensor
  66. Linear Encoder
  67. Head Management Sensor
  68. PCBs
  69. Opening/Closing the Ink Supply Valve
  70. Draining the ink
  71. Applying the Grease
  72. Adjustment and Setup Items
  73. Periodic Maintenance
  74. Troubleshooting
  75. Warning Table
  76. Error Table
  77. Sevice Call Table
  78. Service Software
  79. Firmware Update Tool
  80. Service Tools
  81. Service Mode
  82. Map of the Service Mode
  83. Details of Service Mode
  84. e-Maintenance/imageWARE Remote
  85. Viewing PRINT INF
  86. Special Mode
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