Solving Software Upgrade Problems 49If your network has a connection to the external IP network, that is, youaccess the Internet, you must apply for a registered IP address.How do you obtain a registered IP Address?The IP registration system ensures that every IP address used is unique; ifyou do not have a registered IP address, you may be using an identicaladdress to someone else and your network will not operate correctly.The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority is the organization responsiblefor supplying registered IP addresses. The following contact information iscorrect at time of publication:World Wide Web site: your IP network is internal to your organization only, that is, you do notaccess the Internet, you may use any arbitrary IP address as long as it isnot being used by another device on your network. 3Com suggests youuse addresses in the range to with asubnet mask of suggested IP addresses are part of a group of IP addresses thathave been set aside specially for use ‘in house’ only.Solving SoftwareUpgrade ProblemsYou can upgrade the management software of the Switch by using theSystem > Control > Software Upgrade operation in the Web Interface, orthe system control softwareUpgrade command in thecommand line interface. For details on these options, refer to theManagement Interface Reference Guide supplied in HTML format on theCD-ROM that accompanies your Switch.If you have problems with your software upgrade, refer to the ProblemSolving section in the Management Interface Reference Page 49 Friday, December 5, 2003 10:24 AM