38 CHAPTER 4: C ONFIGURING THE SWITCHFigure 22 Summary ScreenMonitoring TrafficThe Switch allows you to monitor traffic going in andout of a particular port. For traffic monitoring towork, you need to attach a network analyzer to oneport and use it to monitor the traffic of other ports inthe stack.To set up traffic monitoring, you need to set an analy-sis port (the port that is connected to the analyzer),and a monitor port (the port that is to be monitored).Once the pair is defined, and you enable traffic moni-toring, the Switch takes all the traffic going in andout of the monitor port and copies it to the analysisport.CAUTION: The analyzer port should have a higherbandwidth than the mirror port. Otherwise, theSwitch may not be able to copy all traffic effectivelyduring periods of high traffic.To set up traffic monitoring for a port:1 Connect a network analyzer to a port.2 Access the Web interface, and then click Traffic Mon-itoring on the menu. The Port Traffic MonitoringScreen appears.3 On the Monitor Port menu, select the port numberthat you want to monitor.4 On the Analyzer Port menu, select the port number towhich you connected the network analyzer. Traffic toand from the port selected in Monitor Port will be for-warded to this port.Figure 23 Port Traffic Monitoring ScreenOnly one port can be selected from the Mirror Formrow, which means that you can only monitor one portat any given time.5 In Mirror Type, select the type of packet that youwant to monitor.You can monitor only one type of packet at a time.Select either TX or RX from the Mirror Typedrop-down menu.6 Click Apply.