10 LinkBuilder Hub Configuration GuideSolution 4: Bridging and LAN SegmentationSolution 4:Bridging and LAN Segmentation®3 EthernetbackplanesFiber backbone4-Port BridgeModuleUTP ModulesManagementModuleHighlights3Com’s chassis-based LinkBuilderMSH solution provides the highdegree of segmentation required bythis organization. The LinkBuilderMSH 4-Port Ethernet Bridge Modulebridges the LAN segments across thehub’s three backplanes, effectivelytripling the total network bandwidthfrom 10 Mbps to 30 Mbps. Thebridge module supports SpanningTree Algorithm (STA), adding tothe resiliency of the hub.The LinkBuilder MSH bridgemodule has extensive filtering capa-bilities, which help control networktraffic by isolating protocols andensuring that network segments areonly accessible by selected users.3Com’s patented LAN SecurityArchitecture (LSA) providesadvanced security features like Needto Know, which ensures that onlyauthorized users receive sensitivedata, and Disconnect UnauthorizedDevice, which can automaticallydeny access to network intruders.Traffic among users within thesame segment is filtered by thebridge module, keeping unnecessarytraffic off the rest of the network.With Transcend network managementsoftware, you can configure the entirenetwork from a single hub view, evenmoving modules from one segment toanother via software.The ST Fiber Optic TransceiverInterface module plugs into the bridgemodule to provide connection withthe fiber optic building backbone.The LinkBuilder MSH also providesthe same level of segmentation in acoax, fiber, RJ-45, or mixed mediaenvironment.Large Ethernet NetworkRequirementsSubdivide a large Ethernetnetwork to cope with high traf-fic levels that are adverselyaffecting performance. Providesafeguards against unautho-rized network access.Relocate a computer-aideddesign (CAD) departmentrequiring two separate networksegments to the same floor as adepartment running NetWare.LAN traffic on all three net-works must remain separate,while still allowing for inter-connections between the depart-ments and the fiber backbone.Provide a cost-effective LANextension with full segmenta-tion capabilities. Connect asmall segment of users to theexisting network.