5 CONFIGURING THE NICThis chapter describes how to display and changeconfiguration settings for the OfficeConnect NIC.Table 6 describes the configurable settings for theOfficeConnect NIC. The default setting for each optionis in bold in the Available Settings column..Table 6 OfficeConnect NIC Configuration SettingsOption Description Available SettingsNetwork DriverOptimizationSpecifies how to optimize the networkdriver for your network environment.In a client/server environment, thenetwork driver may use a largerpercentage of the CPU in order toimprove network throughput. In thiscase, select Minimize CPU Utilization.In peer-to-peer networks, or onmultitasking PCs, it is best tobalance the CPU utilization and thenetwork performance. In this case,select Normal.n Normaln Minimized CPUUtilizationn Maximized NetworkPerformanceDuplex Specifies the duplex mode, whichdetermines if the NIC transmits dataacross the network in both directionssimultaneously (the PC sends andreceives data at the same time)(full-duplex) or in one direction at atime (half-duplex). The OfficeConnectNIC supports full-duplex at 10 Mbpsand 100 Mbps.Auto Select allows the NIC toautomatically connect at the duplexmode of the connected hub.n Auto Selectn Full Duplexn Half DuplexMedia Type Determines the type of media yournetwork is using.Auto Select allows the NIC toautomatically select the type foryou, based on the NIC’s connectionto the hub.n 10BASE-T (10Mb/s)n 100BASE-TX(100 Mb/s)n Auto Select