Configuring ACFP 15■ Inverse mask of destination IP address■ Destination port number operator: Its type can be equal to, notequal to, greater than, less than, greater than and less than. Thefollowing ending destination port number is meaning only when thetype is greater than and less than. The destination port number ofthe packets matched by the identifier must be greater than thestarting destination port number and less than the ending destinationport number.■ Starting destination port number■ Ending destination port number■ Pro: Protocol type, which can be GRE, ICMP, IGMP, OSPF, TCP, UDP,and IP.■ IP precedence: Packet precedence, a number in the range of 0 to 7.■ IP ToS: Type of Service (ToS) of the IP■ IP DSCP: Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) of the IP■ TCP control packet: Indicates whether the packet is a TCP controlpacket.■ IP fragment: Indicates whether the packet is an IP packet fragment.■ Rate limit■ Row stateYou can use the collaboration policy to manage the collaboration rulesthat belong to it.n The Switch 5500G Ethernet does not support ACFP’s pass-through mode.Using ACFP ■ ACFP does not process IPv6 packets.■ With ACFP, a stream cannot be mirrored or redirected to multipleACFP clients.Configuring ACFP Follow these steps to configure ACFP.To... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view -