WIRELESSDATA SHEETOVERVIEWReliable, secure, high-speed IEEE 802.11n wirelessnetworking has just been made practical. Theseinnovative and cost-effective Power over Ethernet(PoE) access points—compliant with 802.11n Draft2.0— are suitable for businesses of all sizes and areavailable in two configurations:› the 3Com® AP9552 dual-radio access point has both2.4 and 5 GHz 802.11n radios allowing it to supportsimultaneous 2.4 GHz 11b/g/n and 5 GHz 11a/n wire-less connectionsThis access point is powered using a single, standardIEEE 802.3af PoE connection, eliminating the need forproprietary PoE injectors or bulky and inefficientexternal power supplies.This access point support the latest, most effectiveauthentication techniques to thwart intruders andsimplify network management. Advanced networksecurity with Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2™),Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and IEEE 802.1Xauthentication protect communication over thewireless LAN and help ensure only authorized usersaccess the network.High-level security and network management includesupport for multiple SSIDs, IEEE 802.1Q VLANs, andsecure WDS bridging.Advanced Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)technology provides enhanced wireless range.Run in stand-alone mode or with one of 3Com's WX3000 Series wireless controllers. When working inconjunction with a wireless controller, get all thefeatures that high end enterprise customers arelooking for. The wireless controller provides auto-configuration of channels and power levels,redundancy, quality of service (QoS) in a roamingenvironment, layer 2/layer 3 roaming and enhancedauthentication and security features that surpassthose of stand-alone wireless networks.KEY BENEFITSENABLING WIRELESS FREEDOMTake advantage of the freedom of high-speednetworking without wires with the Wi-Fi® CERTIFIED™3Com AP9552 access points. Wireless LANs (WLANS)cost-effectively extend secure mobile access toemployees, contractors and guests, creating a moreflexible environment that supports workgroupcollaboration and mobile applications such as wirelessVoIP, scanners and other handheld IP technology.SUPPORTS COMPLETE IEEE 802.11 STANDARDSThe 3Com AP 9552 supports all IEEE 802.11 2.4 and5 GHz networking standards—11a, 11b, 11g and 11nDraft 2.0.3COM AP9552 11N2.4+5GHZ PoEACCESS POINTSecure and reliable, high-speed 11n wirelessconnectivity in a cost-effective PoE accesspoint with advanced business-class features