28 CHAPTER 4: USING THE CENTRAL CONFIGURATION MANAGERat one time, see “Changing Device Configuration” on page 31. To get moredetailed information about a device, you should check its properties:1 Select a Network Jack from the devices list.2 Select Property from the Devices menu or from the toolbar. You can also open thiswindow by right-clicking your mouse and selecting Property.3 With the General tab selected, you can view and edit information about thedevice such as the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and whether it usesa static IP address or gets its address from a DHCP server. You can also view andedit the Network Jack’s Group Name and Location information.4 Click Apply to save any changes you make to the fields in this window.5 In the middle of this window you’ll see information about each of the four PANports on the front of the Network Jack. You can check to see if the port is Enabledor Disabled, if there is a network link, whether or not it’s running at half or fullduplex, what speed it’s set for, its priority, and whether or not it’s part of a virtualnetwork (VLAN).6 Under the Product Info box, you can see the current firmware version of theNetwork Jack, the Product Name, and the Serial Number.