Wireless Settings 35Wireless SettingsWireless Configuration Figure 30 Wireless Configuration ScreenEnable Wireless NetworkingAllows you to enable/disable the wireless section of your LAN. When disabled, nowireless PCs can gain access to either the Internet or other PCs on your Wired orWireless LAN.Channel SelectionThe Channel Selector allows you to specify which Channel the Gateway willtransmit and receive on. If someone else nearby is using the same Channel as you,there will be a reduction in the performance of your network. If this seems to bethe case, you should select a different channel number. Valid Channels are 1- 13.Usually the Wireless computers will scan to find the correct channel, but if theydon't you must configure them to use the same Channel number as the Gateway.Service Area Name/SSIDThis allows you to name your Wireless network. The field will accept anyalphanumeric string and has a maximum length of 32 characters. Your Wirelesscomputers must be configured with exactly the same name or you will notestablish a connection. The Service Area Name may also be referred to as "ESSID"depending on your networking vendor. By default 3Com uses the name "101".3Com recommends that you change the default name.In order that your Wireless computers can connect to the Gateway, you mustconfigure them so that they : Use Infrastructure Mode not Adhoc Mode. Have the same Service Area Name as the Gateway. Have the same Channel number as the Gateway. Use the same encryption type and keys as the Gateway. All Wireless computers can connect to the Gateway via their MAC addresses.See "Wireless Configuration Screen" on page 35)