12 ABOUT THIS GUIDERelatedDocumentationIn addition to this guide, each Switch documentation set includes thefollowing:■ SuperStack 3 Switch 3812, Switch 3824, and Switch 3848 GettingStarted GuideThis guide contains:■ all the information you need to install and set up the Switch in itsdefault state■ information on how to access the management software to beginmanaging your Switch.■ SuperStack 3 Switch 3812, Switch 3824, and Switch 3848Management Interface Reference GuideThis guide provides detailed information about the Web interface andCommand Line Interface that enable you to manage your Switch. It issupplied in HTML format on the CD-ROM that accompanies yourSwitch.■ SuperStack 3 Switch 3812, Switch 3824, and Switch 3848Management Quick Reference GuideThis guide contains:■ a list of the features supported by your Switch.■ a summary of the Web interface and Command Line Interfacecommands for the Switch.■ Release NotesThese notes provide information about the current software release,including new features, modifications, and known problems.There are other publications you may find useful, such as:■ Documentation accompanying 3Com Network Supervisor. This issupplied on the CD-ROM that accompanies the Switch.