50USB STORAGEDisplaying Thumbnail Menu (continued)Message DescriptionNo Media USB storage is not inserted into USB STORAGE slot onthe projector.Broken Media This is an alarm message that USB storage inserted intoUSB STORAGE slot on the projector is broken.Bad formatThis is an alarm message that USB storage inserted intoUSB STORAGE slot on the projector has a noncompliantformat.Media loading Loading files in the USB storage inserted into USBSTORAGE slot on the projector. Please wait for a while.ReadyPreparation of thumbnail display for the USB storageinserted into USB STORAGE slot on the projector hasbeen completed. Please wait for a while more.• Do not use this function other than private purposes. It might infringe copyrightlaws.• Back up all of the data in the memory card, in case any data are lost due tounexpected accident. Any liability for the loss by mistake or malfunction shallnot be assumed.• Depends on USB Storage Devices, Thumbnail display might disappears onceat the beginning of connection and comes again.Controlling the projectorWhile Thumbnail menu is on screen, some buttons on the projector and remotecontrol are assigned some designated functions to support the menu operation.If normal EASY or Advanced MENU on screen, or INPUT SELECT function isrequired, select PJ CONTROL item on the Thumbnail menu.Use ▲, ▼, ◄ and ► buttons to move a cursor to the PJ CONTROL item inThumbnail menu. Push ENTER button on the remote control or INPUT/ENTERbutton on the projector to decide the selected item. Following items can becontrolled.PJ CONTROL itemsItem DescriptionMENUDisplay EASY/Advanced MENU of the projector. Select [MENU]using ▲, ▼, ◄ and ► buttons, then push ENTER button on theremote control or INPUT/ENTER button on the projector.INPUT SELECTChange input port of the projector. Select [INPUT SELECT] using▲, ▼, ◄ and ► buttons, then push ENTER button on the remotecontrol or INPUT/ENTER button on the projector, so the inputport will be changed from USB STORAGE to S-VIDEO. Then,Thumbnail menu will be disappeared.