3ware Escalade ATA RAID Controller CLI User Guide15www.3ware.com• remove - removes a drive from a port. After this is done, a drivecan safely be removed from the controller.• rebuild - rebuilds a degraded array. Specify a unit number on acontroller you want to rebuild, along with the port number of anavailable disk drive. Specifying the ignoreECC option continuesthe rebuild even if ECC errors are detected.• flush - flushes cache on the controller(s).• verify - verifies the redundancy of a RAID 1, RAID 10, or RAID5 array.Warning!If you try to add a JBOD, you must add it to a port that was aJBOD prior to removal of the drive.Syntax:maint [add c p [JBOD|SPARE] |remove c p | rebuild c u [s] p [ignoreECC]|flush c [u]verify c u]Examples using Interactive Modemaint addDescription:To add a disk drive that is at port 3 to controller 0.Example:Escalade CLI> maint add c0 p3Sample of output:Successfully added a CBOD replacement to port3 on controller 0
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