Communication36Function codesThe FSCA-01 RS-485 Adapter Module supports the Modbusfunction codes shown below.Function code Name Description03h Read Holding Registers Reads the contents of a contiguous block ofholding registers in a server device.06h Write Single Register Writes a single holding register in a serverdevice.08h Diagnostics Provides a series of tests for checking thecommunication between the master and theslave devices, or for checking various internalerror conditions within the slave.The following subcodes are supported:00 Return Query Data:The data passed in the request data field is tobe returned in the response. The entireresponse message should be identical to therequest.01 Restart Communications Option:The serial line port of the slave device must beinitialized and restarted, and all of itscommunication event counters cleared. If theport is in the Listen Only mode, no response isreturned. If the port is not in the Listen Onlymode, a normal response is returned before therestart.04 Force Listen Only Mode:Forces the addressed slave device to the ListenOnly mode. This isolates it from the otherdevices on the network, allowing them tocontinue communicating without interruptionfrom the addressed remote device. No responseis returned. The only function that will beprocessed after this mode is entered is theRestart Communications Option function(subcode 01).10h Write Multiple Registers Writes the contents of a contiguous block ofholding registers in a server device.17h Read/Write MultipleRegistersWrites the contents of a contiguous block ofholding registers in a server device, then readsthe contents of a contiguous block of holdingregisters (same or different than those written)in a server device.