22PR512/PD (50-51-50N-51N + DIALOGUE) UNITProtection and dialogue func-tionsThe PR512/PD (50-51-50N-51N +dialogue) unit carries out all thefunctions of the PR512/P (50-51-50N-51N) unit as well as alsooffering the possibility of remotecontrol of the circuit-breaker, of itsprotection functions and of currentmeasurement.To obtain the dialogue function, a 24V dc (± 20%) auxiliary power supplymust be provided for the PR512/PD.Binary inputsInputs for acquiring the circuit-breaker stateBy means of these inputs the signals regardingthe state of the circuit-breaker can be acquired. Inparticular the following are available:a) Input to acquire the OPEN circuit-breaker stateb) Input to acquire the CLOSED circuit-breakerstatec) Input to acquire the state of the springs(CHARGED/DISCHARGED)d) Input to acquire the physical position of thecircuit-breaker (CONNECTED/ISOLATED).Outputs for controlling the shunt openingand closing releasesTwo relays are integrated in the PR512/PD unitwith normally open contacts through which circuit-breaker opening and closing can be controlledremotely.Dialogue functionDialogue with the centralised system.The serial interface used complies with the EIARS485 Standard and therefore the connectionsmust be made respecting the rules of this stand-ard.For further details, ABB can be asked for thefollowing documents:• 401517 Examples of EIA RS485 type serialcommunication distribution;• 601823 Requirements for EIA RS485 typeserial communication cable laying.The protocol used is ABB INSUM described indocument TN6567.The EIA RS485 Standard defines a differentialserial, multi-point communication system incurrent ring which foresees a Master (central unit)and up to 32 Slaves (PR512/PD).Consequently each slave must be found bymeans of a distinct address, made availablepreviously by means of Dip Switches on the frontof the unit.It is not permitted to have several units with thesame address.The transmission speed can be programmed from150 to 19200 Baud (bit/s) by means of the specialDip Switches.Unit transmission activity with the centralisedcontrol system is signalled by the TC LED flashing.