Basic IED functionsIEC 61850 Function descriptionBasic functions included in all productsIntErrorSig Self supervision with internal event list 1TIME Time and synchronization error 1TimeSynch Time synchronization 1ActiveGroup Parameter setting groups 1Test Test mode functionality 1ChangeLock Change lock function 1TerminalID IED identifiers 1Productinfo Product information 1MiscBaseCommon Misc Base Common 1IEDRuntimeComp IED Runtime Comp 1RatedFreq Rated system frequency 1SMBI Signal Matrix for binary inputs 40SMBO Signal Matrix for binary outputs 40SMMI Signal Matrix for mA inputs 4SMAI Signal Matrix for analog inputs 36Sum3Ph Summation block 3 phase 18LocalHMI Parameter setting function for HMI in PCM600 1LocalHMI Local HMI signals 1AuthStatus Authority status 1AuthorityCheck Authority check 1AccessFTP FTP access with password 1SPACommMap SPA communication mapping 1DOSFRNT Denial of service, frame rate control for front port 1DOSOEMAB Denial of service, frame rate control for OEM port AB 1DOSOEMCD Denial of service, frame rate control for OEM port CD 13. Differential protection1Ph High impedance differential protection HZPDIF (87)The 1Ph High impedance differential protection (HZPDIF, 87)function can be used when the involved CTs have the sameturns ratio and similar magnetizing characteristics. It utilizes anexternal CT current summation by wiring, a series resistor, anda voltage dependent resistor which are mounted externallyconnected to the IED.HZPDIF (87) can be used to protect tee-feeders or busbars. Sixsingle phase function blocks are available to allow applicationfor two three-phase zones busbar protection.Line differential protection RED670 ANSI 1MRK505226-BUS DCustomizedProduct version: 1.2ABB 9