Connect the symmetrical three-phase injection current into phases L1, L2 andL3.2. Connect the test set for the appropriate three-phase voltage injection to the IEDphases L1, L2 and L3. The protection shall be fed with a symmetrical three-phase voltage.3. Set the injected polarizing voltage slightly larger than the set minimumpolarizing voltage (default is 5% of UBase) and set the injection current to lagthe appropriate voltage by an angle of 55° if forward directional function isselected.If 1 out of 3 currents for operation is chosen: The voltage angle of phase L1 is thereference.If reverse directional function is selected, set the injection current to lag thepolarizing voltage by an angle equal to 235° (equal to 55° + 180°).4. Increase the injected current and note the operate value of the tested step of thefunction.5. Decrease the current slowly and note the reset value.6. If the test has been performed by injection of current in phase L1, repeat the test,injecting current into phases L2 and L3 with polarizing voltage connected tophases L2, respectively L3 (1 out of 3 currents for operation).7. If the test has been performed by injection of current in phases L1 – L2, repeatthe test, injecting current into phases L2 – L3 and L3 – L1 with the appropriatephase angle of injected currents.8. Block higher set stages when testing lower set stages by following the proceduredescribed below.9. Connect a trip output contact to a timer.10. Set the injected current to 200% of the operate level of the tested stage, switchon the current and check the time delay.For inverse time curves, check the operate time at a current equal to 110% of theoperate current for txMin.11. Check that all trip and start contacts operate according to the configuration(signal matrixes)12. Reverse the direction of the injected current and check that the protection doesnot operate.13. Repeat the above described tests for the higher set stages.14. Finally check that start and trip information is stored in the event menu.Verification of the non-directional phase overcurrent function isdone as instructed above, without applying any polarizingvoltage. Completing the testContinue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameter TestModeto Off under Main menu/Tests/IED test mode/TESTMODE:1. If another functionis tested, then set the parameter Blocked to No under Main menu/Tests/Function testmodes/Current/OC4PTOC(51_67,4I>)/OC4PTOC:1 for the function, or for eachSection 6 1MRK 502 049-UEN ATesting functionality60Commissioning manual