EC TYPE EXAMINATIONCERTIFICATENo. BSH/461214321220109 Page2o'f2Gomponentsnecessaryfor operation:Componentsnecessaryfofoperation Part No. RemarksNAUTICASTTMAIS 2607 Software-Version:2.0.S105ConnectionBox 2640GPS AntennaAIS-AW/SMCoax 2639VH-3200 VHF StainlessSteel WhipAntenna91.4cm(36in) 2628 or equivalentThe intemalGPS sensorof the NAUTICASTTMAIS is usedas backupsensorfor positionreportingDocumentation:User Manual NAUTICASTAutomaticldentificationSystem:InstallationManual NAUT|CASTAutomaticldentificationSystem:Tradenames:The equipmentis alsoavailableunderthe followingtradenames:Y1-03-0203Rev.L (2009-04-01)Y1-03-0204Rev.K (2009-04-01)CompanyA C RACRProductNameNAUTICASTTM2AIS 2609NAUTICASTTMlnlandAIS 2662(in SOLASMode)ACR Part No.of AIS transponderunit:Limitationson the acceptanceor use of the product:Notes:The manufacturer shall inform Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, as the notifiedbody, of any modifications to the type-tested product(s) that may affect compliance with therequirementsor conditions laid down for use of the product(s).In case the specified regulations or standards are amended during the validity of thiscertificate,the product(s) must be re-certifiedbefore being placed on board vessels to whichsuch amended regulations or standards apply.The Mark of Conformity (wheelmark)may onty be affixed to the type approved equipment, anda Manufacturer's Declaration of Conformity may only be issued, if the product quality systemfully complies with the Marine Equipment Directive and is certified by a notified body againstANNEXB module D. E. or F of the Directive.Notice on legal remedies available:Objectionto this documentmay be filed withinone monthafter notification.The objectionmust be filed in writingto,or put on recordat, FederalMaritimeand HydrographicAgency,Bemhard-Nocht-Str.78, 20359 Hamburg,Germany