The External GPS adapter supplied with your GyPSI™ 406 PLB has two wires that are polarized.The wire with the stripe on it is the + Data lead and should be connected to the + Data lead of yourGPS Data/Power connector. The other lead with no stripe is the - Data lead and should beconnected to the - Data lead of your GPS Data/Power Cable.GPS ADAPER ILLUSTRATIONFIGURE 73.2.2 Setup:The Data format your PLB will be accepting is the NMEA 0183, (GGA sentence). This is acommon standard for GPS receivers. Your GPS receiver needs to be set to this protocol for properdata transfer. See Figure 4 for known compatible GPS receivers. Consult your GPS manual forproper format setting.3.2.3 Testing:Plug the Adapter into the top of the PLB into the socket labeled GPS.Ensure your GPS has acquired a valid position. Momentarily lift the "ON/OFF" switch to the testposition and stand-by. The PLB will go through its self test routine and approx. 2 seconds after thegreen LED the unit will beep once and Yellow LED will flash to indicate that valid GPS data hasbeen transferred into your PLB.When connected to a GPS receiver, your PLB will automatically update your position, even whenin the "OFF" mode every 20 minutes.When you activate the self test check, your PLB will start to look for valid GPS data and updateaccordingly.Once data has been loaded into your PLB it will remain there until the unit is activated to the"ON" mode.Y1-03-0169 Rev. B13