Y1-03-0157 Rev. F64.5 Manual Deployment and ActivationThe GlobalFix™ (Product No. 2742) Cat. 1 can be manually deployed by removing the retaining pin, removingthe cover, and then removing the beacon from the bracket. Once removed, both the Cat. 1 and Cat. 2beacons can be activated by placing in water OR by lifting the thumb switch to a vertical position, sliding ittoward the antenna and pushing back down to the opposite side of the EPIRB. Activating the beacon in thismanner breaks off the "Activation Indicator Plastic Pin" and allows the switch to properly seat, showing the" ▌ " symbol (ON).Note: Some countries may fine vessel owners for causing false alarms. The permanent breakage of theActivation Indicator Plastic Pin is a positive indication of a manual activation.4.6 Manual Activation without DeploymentThe GlobalFix™ can be activated while still in its bracket by placing the thumb switch in the ON position.Activation by this method overrides all sensors and turns the beacon “ON.” The caution note above stillapplies.4.7 DeactivationIf manually activated:1) Returning the thumb switch to the “OFF” position.If automatically activated:1) Removing the beacon from the water. The beacon normally takes up to 12 seconds to deactivate, or2) Placing the beacon back into the release bracket.If the beacon continues to operate after it has been deactivated, remove the four screws holding the unittogether and unplug the battery to disable the unit. Return it to a service center for repair.4.8 Full Functional Self TestPlease read all instructions before performing any of the tests. Be prepared to record data from the test.Self-test is initiated by momentarily lifting the thumb switch to a vertical position and holding it in this positionfor at least two seconds and at most 4 seconds. A beep and the simultaneous lighting of the red LED indicatethe initiation of the test. The buzzer will beep an additional four times as the red LED lights simultaneously.The green LED will then light, followed by a flash of the strobe, indicating a successful test. During self-test, anactual satellite message is transmitted while certain key performance parameters are measured and recorded.The self-test message is modified to prevent the satellite from forwarding an alert message during self-test.(See Figure 4). The GlobalFix™ can be tested in or out of the release bracket.OFF position.Note theActivationIndicatorPlastic PinON position.Notice theActivationIndicatorPlastic Pinhas beenbroken off.Figure 3