It is possible, that the recipient‟s Transponder could not receive the message at all, and in this casethe following screen is displayed. It is then recommended to resend the message.Unsuccessful Message Confirmation (no acknowledgement)d) Writing a Broadcast MessageUpon selection of Write Broadcast SRM in the Message Menu, the Message Editor appears.Messages containing a maximum of 161 characters are allowed. Longer texts require a secondmessage. When the text input has been completed, transmission to all vessels within receivingrange is possible by pressing the [Send] button. The [It is possible to select the desired channel by pressing the [] buttons. The default Settingsfor Broadcasted Message Setting is A+B (AIS1 and AIS2).Dynamic Keys: Broadcast Message Editor[M5] [Send] Send Message [Enter] Send Message[M6] /[M7] [Channel]Select TransmissionChannel (A+B isdefault)[M8] [Back] Return to MessagesMenue) Confirmation of Broadcast Sent MessageN 1o19' E 0o12' |1>0.10|2>1.30|3>1.80nm++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Transmission Status[ ] AIS1:[-] AIS2: Sent, but no acknowledgement++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------------| | Send To | |<-BackN 1o18' E 0o12' |1>0.10|2>1.30|3>1.80nm************ Write Message *************Broadcast SRM 111Text:MILITARY EXCERSISE IN AREA, KEEP AWAY. SHIP MASTER----------------------------------------auto/ A / B /A+BChannel: [ ]/[ ]/[ ]/[*]----------------------------------------| Send | | Back28Y1-03-0203 Rev. M