R) "' .) ) L H 6.Service Configuration9+ [ServicePassword] : (Default Factory Password) 7 4.Change DAC / ENI. 155 : :;# 4 ) ) L 7 4.Ship Settings9+ [UserPassword] : (Default Factory Password)$ ATIS:ShipName:Length: Beam:(complete length and beam of your convoy IN METER)RefPtExt: AxxCxx(B and D are calculated by #)ARefPtInt: AxxCxx (B and D are calculated by the AIS)Length: Beam:(complete length and beam of your convoy IN DECI-METER 1m=10dm)I ) L > 5.Transponder Configuration9+ [UserPassword] : (Default Factory Password) J 7.Inland AIS Configuration I ) )) L > 5.Transponder Configuration9+ [UserPassword] : (Default Factory Password is on the display foil) > 5.Sensor Settings9+ [ServicePassword]: $ @3ABaudRate Sensor1:BaudRate Sensor2:BaudRate Sensor3: L>Save,% " ) + LG 1 2.AIS StatusG 1 2.Own Ship DataYou should see your Own Ship Data withcorrect values for LAT, LON, SOG, COG,Time, % & +) 8! L H 6.ServiceConfiguration9+ [ServicePassword] : (Default Factory Password) 1 2.UserPasswordSettings 3 1.Change User Password9+ [new password]' [new password] L> SaveSave your personal password by writing itdown in the User Manual Appendix 7.3