11 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010 An order was created – The first backup is about to start and the license cannot be used for anyother machine. From this point on, you can cancel the order if something goes wrong. This willreturn the license to the pool of available licenses. A full backup has started – This status is set when the first backup starts. The order start timeoccurs at this moment. A full backup has been successfully completed – The backup has been completed and the orderis ready to ship. You can now ship the media:Step 1. Package the media following the drive packaging and shipment instructions (p. 8) to avoiddamage during shipment. If you want the media to be returned to you after the data is uploaded,prepare a prepaid return shipping label and place it inside the package together with the drive.Step 2. Send the drive via your preferred carrier to the Acronis datacenter.Step 3. Let us know when you have shipped the order by marking your order as "shipped".You will receive a notification message when Acronis receives the order and when the order iscompleted. If necessary, Acronis may contact you during order processing. [Occasional] Backup creation error – An error occurred when backing up. Please check thebackup plan parameters and try again. The media has been shipped – This status is set after you mark the order as "shipped". The media has been received by Acronis – Acronis has started processing your order. From thispoint on, you cannot cancel the order. Creating a new "initial seeding" backup on the samemachine will require a new Initial Seeding license. The data upload has started – The process of uploading data to Acronis Online Backup Storagehas started. The data upload has been completed – The initial full backup has been successfully uploaded tothe online storage. You can do incremental online backups now. The order has been completed. The media has been returned (or: Returning the media was notrequested) – Your media has been shipped back (the carrier and the tracking number arespecified). If a prepaid shipping label was not provided with the media, the media will bediscarded. [Occasional] The order is on hold – Your order was placed on hold due to technical difficultiesprocessing the order. Acronis is working on resolving these issues. [Occasional] The order has been cancelled – The order had been cancelled before the media wasshipped, so returning the media is not required. [Occasional] The order has been cancelled. The media has been returned (or: Returning themedia was not requested) – The order was cancelled while the media was in the datacenter. Themedia has been shipped back (the carrier and the tracking number are specified). If a prepaidshipping label was not provided with the media, the media will be discarded.1.7 Large Scale Recovery FAQThis section explains what Large Scale Recovery is, why you would want to use it and provides someusage details.1.7.1 What is Large Scale Recovery?Large Scale Recovery is an extra service that enables you to obtain a copy of the backups you have inthe online storage. You can then recover data from this copy.