Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2009 19Installation1. Run Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Management Console.2. Click Install Acronis components.3. Select the installer location from the list (Registered Components, Search removable media orSpecify location). The default selection Registered Components will use setup files from thedefault folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Acronis\RemoteInstall.4. Specify the name or IP address of the Acronis License Server, or type a trial license key. You canuse a single trial license key for remote installation to multiple machines.5. Specify the components that you want to install and their features.6. Select machines on which the components are to be installed. This can be done by:o browsing the network. When browsing the network, you can select individual machines, aswell as entire workgroups or domainso typing machine names or IP addresses (click Next then add machines to the list)o importing the list of the machines from .txt or .csv files.7. Provide the administrator's user name and password for each machine. If there is a universaladministrator account on the network, enter the account credentials for one machine and set theoption to apply it to all the machines that you select. Domain administrator credentials anduniversal credentials for workgroups can be applied in this way.If you do not specify credentials for all machines involved, or if the credentials are not valid forsome machines, you will have an option to provide credentials during installation (there is anoption Other user in the user name and password error prompt).8. If a trial product version is installed on some of the selected machines, a list of such machines isdisplayed. Select the machines where you want to upgrade the product to a full version. Makesure that the license server contains enough license keys.The summary window displays a list of machines where the components will be installed.Once the installation starts, the program displays the operation progress and the name of themachine on which the components are being installed.UpdateTo update one or more components on a remote machine, repeat the installation procedure.Upgrade to a full versionTo upgrade one or more components from a trial to a full version, import the full license keys forthese components to the license server, and then repeat the installation procedure.2.3. Unattended installation in WindowsAcronis components, such as Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Agent for Windows, can be installed inthe unattended mode, as opposed to the interactive mode.You will need the configuration script mst_get.vbs, which is located in the folder where AcronisBackup & Recovery 10 Management Console is installed—by default, C:\Program