ACR128 Dual Interface Smart Card Reader7.0 PICC Commands (T=CL Emulation) for MiFare 1K/4K MEMORY Cards7.1 Load Authentication KeysThe “Load Authentication Keys command” will load the authentication keys into the reader. Theauthentication keys are used to authenticate the particular sector of the Mifare 1K/4K Memory Card.Two kinds of locations for authentication keys are provided, volatile and non-volatile.Table 22-a: Load Authentication Keys APDU Format (11 Bytes)Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data InLoad AuthenticationKeys FF 82 Key Structure Key Number 06 Key(6 bytes)Key Structure (1 Byte):0x00 = Key is loaded into the reader’s volatile memory.0x20 = Key is loaded into the reader’s non-volatile memory.Other = Reserved.Key Number (1 Byte):0x00 ~ 0x1F = Non-volatile memory for storing keys. The keys are permanentlystored in the reader and will not be erased even when the reader isdisconnected from the PC. It can store up to 32 keys.0x20 (Session Key) = Volatile memory for storing a temporary key. The key will be erasedonce the reader is disconnected from the PC. Only 1 volatile key isprovided. The volatile key can be used as a session key for differentsessions. Default Value = {FF FF FF FF FF FF}Key (6 Bytes):The key value loaded into the reader. E.g. {FF FF FF FF FF FF}Table 22-b: Load Authentication Keys Response Format (2 Bytes)Response Data OutResult SW1 SW2Table 22-c: Load Authentication Keys Response CodesResults SW1 SW2 MeaningSuccess 90 00 The operation is completed successfully.Error 63 00 The operation failed.Page 26 of 36ACR128 APIVersion 1.7 May 2008