Rev. 10/14User Instructions3 SIXTY 2R©2014 ADJ Products, LLC all rights reserved. Information,specifications, diagrams, images, and instructions herein aresubject to change without notice. ADJ Products, LLC logo andidentifying product names and numbers herein are trademarksof ADJ Products, LLC. Copyright protection claimed includes allforms and matters of copyrightable materials and informationnow allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted.Product names used in this document may be trademarks orregistered trademarks of their respective companies and arehereby acknowledged. All non-ADJ Products, LLC brands andproduct names are trademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective companies.ADJ Products, LLC and all affiliated companies hereby dis-claim any and all liabilities for property, equipment, building,and electrical damages, injuries to any persons, and direct orindirect economic loss associated with the use or reliance ofany information contained within this document, and/or as aresult of the improper, unsafe, unsufficient and negligent as-sembly, installation, rigging, and operation of this product.Europe Energy Saving NoticeEnergy Saving Matters (EuP 2009/125/EC)Saving electric energy is a key to help protecting the enviroment.Please turn off all electrical products when they are not in use. Toavoid power consumption in idle mode, disconnect all electricalequipment from power when not in use. Thank you!N ot for R e s ide ntia l U s e .N O T F O R H O U S E H O L D U S EIMP R O P R E A L 'U S A G E D O ME S T IQ U ED R Y L O C A T IO N S E MP L A C E ME N T S S E C S6.36.3C O N F O R MS T O U L S T D . 1573C E R T IF IE D T O C S A S T D . C 22. 2 N O : 166MO D E L : 3 S IX T Y 2R100-240VA C ,50/60Hz; 400W MAX;T Y P E : P L AT IN U M 2R 135W MA XMa de in P R CMA N U F A C T U R IN G D AT E :Inte rte k