29DMX TRAITSCHANNEL VALUES FUNCTION36-CH 40-CH 51-CH12 14 19Shutter, Strobe000 - 031 No function (shutter closed)032 - 063 No action, shutter open064 - 095 Strobe, slow to fast096 - 127 No action, shutter open128 - 159 Pulse effect, slow to fast160 - 191 No action, shutter open192 - 223 Random strobe, slow to fast224 - 255 No action, shutter open13 15 20 000 - 255 Dimmer Intensity, 0% to 100%16 21 000 - 255 Dimmer Fine, 0% to 100%14 17 22Prism 1000 - 031 No effect032 - 255 Prism 1 (3 facet)15 18 23Prism 1 Rotation000 - 127 Prism 1 indexing128 - 189 Clockwise rotation, fast to slow190 - 193 No rotation194 - 255 Counter-clockwise rotation, slow to fast24 000 - 255 Prism 1 Index Fine16 19 25Prism 2000 - 031 No effect032 - 255 Prism 2 (4-facet)17 20 26Prism 2 Rotation000 - 127 Prism 2 indexing128 - 189 Clockwise rotation, fast to slow190 - 193 No rotation194 - 255 Counter-clockwise rotation, slow to fast27 000 - 255 Prism 2 Index Fine18 21 28 000 - 255 Focus, continuous adjustment, far to near29 000 - 255 Focus FineCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE