ADJ Products, LLC - - Jellyfish IR Instruction Manual Page 10 ADJ Products, LLC - - Jellyfish IR Instruction Manual Page 11Jellyfish IR System Menumode the fixture will go into when the DMX signal is lost. Youcan also set this as the operating mode you would like theunit to return to when power is applied.1. Press the MENU button until “DNST” is displayed, and either“MASL” or “BLND” will be displayed beneath.2. Press ENTER and the bottom choice will begin to flash. Usethe UP or DOWN buttons to choose an operating mode youwould like the unit to start up in when power is applied or theDMX signal is lost.• MASL (Master Slave) - If the DMX signal is lost or power isapplied, the unit will automatically go into Master Slave modeand run a built-in show.• BLND (Blackout) - If the DMX signal is lost or interrupted, theunit will automatically go into stand by mode.3. Press ENTER to confirm your desired set up.LED - With this function you can have the LED displayturn off after 10 seconds.1. Press the MENU button until “LED” is displayed, pressENTER.2. The display will show either “ON” or “OFF”. Press the UP orDOWN buttons to select “ON” to keep the LED display on atall times, or “OFF” to switch to have the LED display switch offafter 10 seconds.3. Press ENTER to confirm.IDSP - This function will reverse the display 180º.1. Press the MENU button until “IDSP” is displayed, pressENTER.2. Press ENTER to “flip” the display. Press ENTER to “flip” itagain. Press ENTER when you have made your desired setup.Jellyfish IR System MenuSh 0 - Sh 11 - Show modes 0 - 11 (Factory programs).Show mode can be run with sound activity or without. For showmode to run without sound activity turn sound activity off.1. Press the MENU button until “ShNd” is displayed, pressENTER.2. “Sh X” will now be displayed, “X” representing a numberbetween 1-11. Programs 1-11 are factory programs, while “Sh0” is random mode. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to find yourdesired show and press ENTER to confirm.SOUN - Sound Active mode.1. Press the MENU button until “SOUN” is displayed, pressENTER.2. The display will show either “ON” or “OFF”. Press the UP orDOWN buttons to select “ON” to activate sound active mode,or “OFF” to deactivate sound active mode.3. Press ENTER to confirm.SENS - In this mode you can adjust the sound sensitiv-ity.1. Press the MENU button until “SENS” is displayed, pressENTER.2. A number between 0-100 will be displayed. Press the UP orDOWN buttons to adjust the sound sensitivity. 0 being the leastsensitive, and 100 being the most sensitive.3. When you have found your desired setting press ENTER toconfirm.DNST - This mode can be used as a precaution mode,that in case the DMX signal is lost, interrupted, or power islost, the operating mode chosen in the setup is the running