DMX Mode:There are four DMX Modes to choose from: 6 Channels, 10 Channels, 12 Channels, and 36 Channels.Operating through a DMX controller give the user the freedom to create custom programs tailored tothe user’s individual needs.1. Press the MODE button until “d.XXX” is displayed. “XXX” represents the displayed DMX address.Use the UP and DOWN buttons to find your desired DMX address.2. Once you have found your desired DMX address, press the SET UP button to select the desiredDMX channel mode. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to find you desired channel mode. Selectableoptions include 6-Channel Mode (Ch.06), 10-Channel Mode (Ch.10), 12-Channel Mode (Ch.12),or 36-Channel Mode (Ch.36). Please refer to the DMX Traits section of this manual for detailedinformation.3. After you have found your desired DMX mode and set the DMX address, use the XLR connectionsto link the fixture to any standard DMX controller.ADJ Remote Activation:This function is used to activate and deactivate the IR sensor. When this function is activated, youcan control the fixture using the ADJ UC IR. Please see the UC IR Remote section of this manual fordetailed information.1. Press the SETUP button until “Ir.XX” is displayed. “XX” represents either “on” or “oF”.2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to either activate the remote function (On) or deactivate it (Off).DMX State:This mode defines how the fixture will behave in the event that the DMX signal is lost or interrupted. Youcan also set this as the operating mode you would like the unit to default to when powered on.1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until “d.XXX” is displayed. “XXX” represents thecurrent displayed DMX address.2. Press the SET UP button so that “nodn” is displayed. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to scrollthrough the DMX states.• “bLAC” (Blackout) - If the DMX signal is lost or interrupted, the unit will automatically go intostand by mode.• “LASt” (Last State) - If the DMX signal is lost or interrupted, the fixture will stay in the last DMXset up. If power is applied and this mode is set, the unit will automatically go into the last DMXset up.• “ProG” (Auto Run) - If the DMX signal is lost or interrupted, the unit will automatically go into AutoRun mode.3. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to find your desired DMX state and press SET UP to confirm andexit.O P E R AT I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S13