Appendix A. Understanding SNMP61202076L1-1 TSU 600 User Manual A-3TSU 600 SNMP ACCESSBy default, SNMP MIB Browser access to the TSU 600 IP address withthe configured community names, accesses the host. The TSU 600 canalso act as an SNMP proxy agent for external units. To access MIB vari-ables on externally chained devices, append a period and the Unit ID ofthe device to the Read and Read/Write community names.Example:If the Read community name configured in the TSU 600 is public, spec-ifying "public.3" as the community name in the SNMP MIB Browser al-lows reading SNMP MIB variables from externally chained unit 3.If the external unit's passcode is not the default, an entry must be addedto the Unit Access Table for SNMP MIB access. See Figure 8-3 on page 8-6 for a description of this operation. However, SNMP traps for the unitcan be forwarded without the entry.SNMP Trap ConfigurationTraps received by the TSU 600 from external units and the host unit areconverted into SNMP traps and forwarded to the configured NMS. Thesource of the trap is uniquely identified at the NMS by a combination ofthe IP address of the TSU 600, and the Unit ID of the sending device. TheUnit ID is present in the trap packet appended to the end of the trapcommunity packet name, for example public.4. It is also included as anOctet String variable (adProdPhysAddress) in the trap packet as definedin the individual product MIBs. The latest versions of the product MIBsby default display the appended trap community name in their descrip-tions.Typical steps required for Management Station trap configuration areloading the device specific MIBs and loading or creating device specificTrap Definition Files. The current product MIBs contain keywords em-bedded in comments that can be used by some network managementplatforms to automatically generate Trap Definitions. Otherwise, the de-scriptions may be used as a template for Trap Definitions.If individual option card port identification and slot identification arerequired, they are present in the four byte adProdPhysAddress field ofthe trap packet. The first two bytes are the Unit ID of the base controller(least significant byte first). The next two bytes are port and slot number.This field is the second object identifier in all traps sent from TSU/TDUproducts.