jobAidDESCRIPTIONThe Small Form‐Factor Pluggable 10 Gigabit Ethernet XFP, 1550nm, Commercial Temperature (XFP) optical transceiver is a fullyduplex serial electric, serial optic device with both transmit andreceive functions contained in a single module that provides ahigh speed serial link at 10 Gb/s. Installed into an appropriatehost module, the XFP provides a 10 Gigabit interface to thesupporting system.The transmit side of the XFP converts serial NRZ electrical date atthe10 Gb/s line rate to a standard compliant optical signal. Thereceive side of the XFP converts the incoming DC balanced serialNRZ optical data at the 10 Gb/s line rate into serial electrical data.NOTETo ensure compatibility, refer to the documentation providedwith the host module.The following features are supported on the XFP:♦ 1550 nm optical signals for up to 80 km reach♦ Low power consumption (<3.5 W max)♦ Excellent EMI performance♦ Bit error rate 10^‐12CAUTION!Due to compliance certification requirements, only XFPs suppliedby ADTRAN are to be used with the host module. ADTRANcannot certify system integrity with other XFPs.Operational Specifications♦ Optical Specifications:◊ Transmit Wavelength: 1550 nm◊ Receive Wavelength: 1530 to 1565 nm◊ Data rate: 9.95 Gb/s to 11.1 Gb/s◊ Optical transmit level: 0 to +4.0 dBmSmall Form-Factor Pluggable10 Gigabit Ethernet XFP, 1550 nmCommercial Temperature◊ Optical receive level: greater than –24dBm◊ Optical distance: 80 km maximum◊ Optical connectors: LC♦ Extended Environmental Support:◊ Operational temperature range: 0°C to +70°C◊ Storage temperature range: –40°C to +85°C◊ Relative humidity to 85%, noncondensingI NSTALLATIONInspect the XFP. If damaged, file a claim with the carrier and thencontact ADTRAN Customer Service.To install the XFP into an appropriate module, complete thefollowing steps:1. Insert the XFP into the XFP cage on the circuit board of thehost module with the latch handle facing outward. Slide theXFP all the way into the receptacle.NOTEThe latch on the XFP is for removal only. When removing the XFP,rotate the latch away from the XFP cage until a physical clickoccurs. The XFP should slide easily out of the cage.2. Using thumb and forefinger, exert adequate pressure toensure the XFP is completely seated in the XFP cage.3. Do not remove the connector plug until the optical fiberconnection is made.NOTICEIt is recommended that the connector plug remain on wheneverthe transceiver optical fiber connector is not inserted.4. Continue the installation and turn‐up of the host moduleusing the instructions in the Job Aid provided with thatmodule, or using the Installation and Maintenance Practice(I&M), available online at ROVISIONINGThe XFP is not directly provisionable. To provision the XFP,access the menu system of the host module. Refer to the “Provi‐sioning” section of the Job Aid or Installation and MaintenancePractice provided with the host module for provisioning details.CLEI: BVL3AGKD_ _Product P/N: 1442980G1CIssue Date: 0909Document P/N: 61442980G1C-22A