Troubleshooting SNMP in the NetVanta 157026 6AMCCG0018-29ARefer to the ASE Command Reference Guide available online at fordetailed information on the SNMP troubleshooting commands listed in Table snmp trap[alarmTrapStatus|authenticationFailure|coldStart|entConfigChange|fallingAlarm|ipTrapInterfacesLink|linkDown|linkUp|lldpRemTablesChange|newRoot|psecTrapGlobalsMain|psecTrapInterfaces|risingAlarm|topologyChange|warmStart]Displays traps associated with SNMP configurations.Optional. If you want to view information for a specifictrap, enter the name of the trap. For example showsnmp trap snmp user Displays the SNMP user configurations. Optional. Specifies the SNMP user to view. Optional. Specifies the SNMP engine ID for the snmp view Displays the current MIB configuration for SNMP config-urations. Optional. Specifies a MIB configu-ration to display. Optional. Specifies the OIDfor the MIB.NOTEg The output of all show commands can be limited by appending the following modifiers to the endof the command: | begin , | exclude , and | include . The include modifierlimits output to lines that contain the specified text, the exclude modifier excludes any lines withthe specified text, and the begin modifier displays the first line of output with the specified textand all lines thereafter.Table 7. ASE SNMP Troubleshooting Commands (Continued)Command Explanation