Smart Solutions for aConnected World.OPTI-6100 LMX ChassisOPTI-6100 Multi-Service Provisioning PlatformFeatures and Benefits■ 19-inch or 23-inchrack-mountable■ Delivers up to 336 DS1 or48 DS3 circuits or up to 9610/100/1000 Ethernet circuitsor various combinations ofDS1, EC-1, DS3, OC3, OC12, and10/100/1000 Ethernet services■ Dimensions: 12.25 inches(7U) H × 12 inches D ×17.5 inches WAccommodates■ One System Controller Module(SCM2, P/N 1184500L2)■ Two OMM modules inhigh-speed (HS) slots■ Twenty-four tributary modulesin Mid-Speed (MS) slots■ One DS3 Switch Module(DS3SM, P/N 1184567L1)■ One Fan Module (LFANM,P/N 1184564G1)■ 2mm Hard Metric connectorsfor 336 DS1 circuits■ BNC connectors for 48 DS3or EC1 (STS-1) circuits■ Wire wrap: RS-485 bus, alarms,fans, and BITS clock■ RJ-45 front panel Ethernetmanagement interface, inaddition to rear panel RJ-45 forCO LAN maintenance access■ DB-25 X.25/ADMINport interface■ RJ-45 or SFP connections toEthernet tributary modules■ Fiber connections to OMMmodules (LC connectors)■ Fiber connections toOC-3/12 tributary modules(LC connectors)■ Cooling via an integratedfan moduleThe OPTI-6100® LMX chassis is a compact19-inch or 23-inch rack-mountablechassis for the OPTI-6100 Multi-serviceProvisioning Platform. The LMX chassishosts optical multiplexer (OMM) modules toterminate OC-48 fiber circuits, and tributarymodules to deliver DS3, EC1, DS1, OC-3,OC-12, or 10/100/1000 Ethernet services.A DS3 switch module is provided for enhancedDS3 protection. The OPTI-6100 LMX chassisutilizes current tributary modules commonto the OPTI-6100 MX and SMX chassis.OPTI-6100 LMX Chassis (front view)