10 Issue 4, February 2009 61180001L1#S-5DConnect MLTMetallic Loop test access is gained by wiring into theconnector P6, on the right side of the backplane.The following steps are instructions for wiring the TotalAccess 1500 for Metallic Loop test access.1. After you have located the test loops and run themto the Total Access 1500 shelf, use wire strippers tostrip approximately 1 to 1-1/2 inches from the testleads.2. Using the wire-wrap tool, wire wrap the centraloffice “T” and “R” leads to the Total Access 1500R and T pins, respectively, on terminal P6.3. Wire wrap the inhibit wire of the cable to the toppin labeled I on P6.4. Wire wrap the drain wire of the cable to the bottompin labeled ground on P6.5. Neatly tie down the test cable pair.Alarm ConnectionsAlarming is dependent on how the Total Access 1500system is configured. When the Total Access 1500 isdeployed in a single or dual T1 feed, the System ControlUnit (SCU) should be provisioned for D4 ConventionalAlarm Relay Mapping.The alarm outputs will be designated as follows:• VMJ (Visual Major)• VMN (Visual Minor)• AMJ (Audible Major)• AMN (Audible Minor)• AUX (Auxiliary)• PWRWhen deployed in a DLC configuration using a quad T1feed, the SCU can be provisioned for T1 Mappingwhich provides the following alarm outputs:• T1A (A Digroup Major)• T1B (B Digroup Major)• T1C (C Digroup Major)• T1D (D Digroup Major)• BANK (Bank System Major)• PWRIn the T1 Mapping mode, the Total Access 1500separately monitors the performance of each digroup(A, B, C and D) and the bank. The T1 Mapping modeassures that an alarm at the digroup level providesappropriate central office and remote information.The Total Access 1500 provides standard bank alarmoutputs. Each of the alarms listed below consists of athree-pin wire-wrap header that connects to the SCU foralarm management. The SCU provides the necessaryelectronic circuits for a NO/COM/NC contactarrangement.The alarms are as follows:• Major-Visual Output• Minor-Visual Output• Major-Audible Output• Minor-Audible Output• AUX OutputThe alarming configuration is selected as an LIU optionthrough the VT100 craft interface.Connecting Alarm OutputsDepending on the vendor equipment employed at theCO, wiring external alarms from the Total Access 1500shelf will vary slightly. The important consideration iswhether the external alarm equipment requires aNormally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC) circuitto pass an alarm. After determining what the COequipment requires, connection can be made to theequipment from the Total Access 1500 shelf, seeFigure 9 for location of alarm contacts.Figure 9. Alarm Contacts211 1NO COM NCAUX (BANK)AMN( T 1 D )NO COM NCAMJ( T 1 C )NO COM NCVMN( T 1 B )NO COM NCVMJ( T 1 A )A BAUX 2A BAUX 1NO COM NC PWRCOMP13Alarm Outputs (P13)Pin Number Description1 AUX 1 A2 AUX 1 B3 AUX 2 A4 AUX 2 B5 VMJ (T1A) NO6 VMJ (T1A) COM7 VMJ (T1A) NC8 VMN (T1B) NO9 VMN (T1B) COM10 VMN (T1B) NC11 AMJ (T1C) NO12 AMJ (T1C) COM13 AMJ (T1C) NC14 AMN (T1D) NO15 AMN (T1D) COM16 AMN (T1D) NC17 AUX (BANK) NO18 AUX (BANK) COM19 AUX (BANK) NC20 PWR COM21 PWR NOPWRNO