You can use the trivet to grill flatdishes in large quantities and to toast:• Put the trivet into the deep pan sothat the supports of the wire shelfpoint down.• Put the deep pan into the oven on thenecessary shelf position.8. ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS8.1 Cooling fanWhen the appliance operates, the cool-ing fan activates automatically to keepthe surfaces of the appliance cool. If youdeactivate the appliance, the cooling fancan continue to operate until the appli-ance cools down.9. HELPFUL HINTS AND TIPS9.1 Inner side of the doorIn some models, on the inner side ofthe door you can find:• The numbers of the shelf positions.• Information about the heating func-tions, recommended shelf positionsand temperatures for typical dishes.The temperature and bakingtimes in the tables are guidelinesonly. They depend on the rec-ipes and the quality and quantityof the ingredients used.9.2 BakingGeneral instructions• Your new oven can bake or roast dif-ferently to the appliance you had be-fore. Adapt your usual settings (tem-perature, cooking times) and shelf po-sitions to the values in the tables.• With longer baking times, you can de-activate the oven approximately 10 mi-nutes before the end of the bakingtime and then use the residual heat.When you cook frozen food, the traysin the oven can twist during baking.When the trays become cold again,the distortions are gone.How to use the Baking Tables• The manufacturer recommends thatyou use the lower temperature thefirst time.• If you cannot find the settings for aspecial recipe, look for the one that isalmost the same.• You can extend baking times by 10 –15 minutes if you bake cakes on morethan one level.• Cakes and pastries at different heightsdo not always brown equally at first. Ifthis occurs, do not change the tem-perature setting. The differencesequalize during the baking procedure.ENGLISH 11