How to use the Baking Tables• The manufacturer recommends thatyou use the lower temperature thefirst time.• If you cannot find the settings for aspecial recipe, look for the one that isalmost the same.• You can extend baking times by 10 –15 minutes if you bake cakes on morethan one level.• Cakes and pastries at different heightsdo not always brown equally at first. Ifthis occurs, do not change the tem-perature setting. The differencesequalize during the baking procedure.9.3 Tips on bakingBaking results Possible cause RemedyThe bottom of the cakeis not browned suffi-ciently.The shelf position is in-correct.Put the cake on a lowershelf.The cake sinks and be-comes soggy, lumpy orstreaky.The oven temperature istoo high.The next time you bake,set a slightly lower oventemperature.The cake sinks and be-comes soggy, lumpy orstreaky.The baking time is tooshort.Set a longer baking time.You cannot decreasebaking times by settinghigher temperatures.The cake sinks and be-comes soggy, lumpy orstreaky.There is too much liquidin the mixture.Use less liquid. Be care-ful with mixing times, es-pecially if you use a mix-ing machine.The cake is too dry. The oven temperature istoo low.The next time you bake,set a higher oven tem-perature.The cake is too dry. The baking time is toolong.The next time you bake,set a shorter bakingtime.The cake browns un-evenly.The oven temperature istoo high and the bakingtime is too short.Set a lower oven temper-ature and a longer bak-ing time.The cake browns un-evenly.The mixture is unevenlydistributed.Spread the mixtureevenly on the bakingtray.The cake is not ready inthe baking time given.The oven temperature istoo low.The next time you bake,set a slightly higher oventemperature.ENGLISH 15