If you tried the above solutions and can-not repair the problem, speak to yourdealer or the customer service. Give thedata from the rating plate, three digitletter code for the glass ceramic (it is inthe corner of the glass surface) and anerror message that comes on.Make sure, you operated the appliancecorrectly. If not the servicing by a cus-tomer service technician or dealer willnot be free of charge, also during thewarranty period. The instructions aboutthe customer service and conditions ofguarantee are in the guarantee booklet.8. INSTALLATIONWARNING!Refer to the Safety chapters.Before the installationBefore the installation of the appliance,record the information below from therating plate. The rating plate is on thebottom of the appliance casing.• Model ...........................• PNC .............................• Serial number ....................8.1 Built-in appliances• Only use the built-in appliances afteryou assemble the appliance into cor-rect built-in units and work surfacesthat align to the standards.8.2 Connection cable• Use the correct mains cable of typeH05BB-F Tmax 90°C (or higher) for asingle phase or two phase connection.• Replace the damaged mains cablewith a special cable (type H05BB-FTmax 90°C or higher). Speak to yourlocal Service Centre.8.3 Assemblymin.50mmmin.500mmmin.2mmENGLISH 15