SiS5600 Pentium II AT MAINBOARD AWARD BIOS SETUP3-2The memory module suggested on this mainboard will be either EDO or SDRAM3.3V modules, When you are installing memory modules on the mainboard, youdon't have to start from DIMM 1 first, you can install the memory in any of thesock which is available. However, if you use this mainboard to upgrade your PCsystem and you want to keep your old memory modules. In case that you havemore than one modules and they have different access time. In this case, pleaseinstall the slower DIMM module in DIMM1 first and then install the faster ones inDIMM2 and DIMM3. Please also run the BIOS setup program and select theparameters which is comply with the slowest module installed on the mainboard.Note: In order to increase of the system performance and steability, installmemory modules starting from DIMM 1 is recommended3.2 CONNECTORSThe connectors on mainboard will be used to connect the accessories or peripheraldevices (such as power, mouse, printer,...etc.). Followings are the connectors withits description and pin assignment which is designed on the mainboard.(A) BAT1: Battery Socket (Use the 3 Volts Lithium battery : CR2032)ISA SLOTISA SLOTPCI SLOTK/BPCI SLOTPCI SLOTCN3 CN4CN8 FDC CN9 IDE1CN10 IDE2SLOT1AGPPCI SLOTBAT1: Battery Socket+ Battery Positive- Ground